Yield+ Blue Paper (In Full)
The Yield+ Blue Paper is finally here. Maybe you’re wondering about new topics that weren’t outlined in last week's ENF preview post. When overviewing the program, the ENF tweeted:
Yield+ proposes a custom Liquidity Rewards Program for the #EOS Network. 🚀
Its goal is to adapt and improve upon existing (DeFi related) programs…, bring more activity on-chain, and increase earning opportunities for users.
Yield+ adopts successful strategies for liquidity rewards for the EOS mainnet. As one might expect, EOS’ high performance design allows for unparalleled advantages. Read tge blue paper to dig deeper into last week’s topics:
TVL as the primary metric for qualifying dapp projects
advanced rewards
expanded asset support
The blue paper also discusses pertinent issues like DeFi risks and attacks. There’s a plethora of visual statistics illustrating liquidity incentives. Clear details about the rewards program precedes a discussion about data modeling and risk analysis. An oracle will measure the Total Value Locked (TVL); initial service will incur a fiat structured cost. The final two sections discuss the treasury and deliverables.
Defibox Balances the Scales
Visit Defibox and find a relatively complex array of financial tools. Community sentiment was overwhelming upon launch. EOS low transaction fees are well known. Maybe this is why Defi on EOS excites so many. With Balance officially launched by Defibox, a low slippage, price fluctuation, and impermanent loss solution enters the ecosystem. EOS Nation is also involved in the open source project that was audited by several companies. Current support exists for USDT and USN stable coins as well as user provided liquidity. Functionality as described by the Defibox team:
Balance uses a unique constant product + constant sum function model. With a constant sum model near the price equilibrium point, the liquidity is concentrated near this point and the liquidity depth of stable coins is guaranteed. Therefore, stablecoin transactions on the Balance protocol can reduce users’ slippage losses.
New EOS Hackathon
If you’ve been around EOS long enough then you know the value and excitement surrounding hackathons. Impact projects got started here. Winners are held in high regard. All that was before the new EOSIO era, when B1 was and a corporate agenda essentially dictated new development. Imagine what a more decentralized and open source focused EOS will attract. Chris Barnes is part of the Helios team. He was the first (non-official) Eden Satoshi (Head Chief Delegate). Chis tweeted the ENF’s pre-sign up and survey for what may prove to be the first EOSIO Hackathon deemed worthy of an unleashed EOS public mainnet.
Coalition+ Reports Some Lift
The Coalition+ team seems set on delivering weekly report. No doubt working groups are better for it. Doubt a dedicated section will live here (never know). Eden and Fractally neighborhoods expect to grow alongside the ecosystem. The ENF as a public advocate and developer may outlive the Coalition’s purpose. Nevertheless, the objectives of working groups need a gathering point. Coalition reports can provide far reaching alignment for all contributing developers as well as onlooking projects. So why the section this week? Check out the ENF’s tweets (1, 2, 3) about:
Set priorities
Request for proposals for wallet SDKs and finality
$2M quarterly dev fund
EOSIO rebrand
Pomelo Stats are Meaningful
Team Pomelo dishes out funding to the broader community. Many well deserved projects find relief here. Still, there’s an air of heightened excitement of receiving funds that seems to overshadow the process of advancing public goods like EOS Costa Rica’s EOSIO Dashboard. Funding by the ENF and Helios teams don’t attract the same attention and neither seems as strictly dedicated to public goods. Maybe this is why the EOS mainnet community enjoys Pomelo stats so much. Here are just a few to you’re encourage to visit the Pomelo blog:
100+ projects approved
1000+ donors
7000+ contributors
$900,000+ match funds
Fractally: What’s Possible?
Finding links for fractallyNews aren’t as easy as for Eden. Heck, fractally probably won’t be called fractally. And rumors about a new chain appear true. So if you’re wondering about how to stay in the know about everything fractally, you’ll need to join the weekly standup meetings and engage in the AMA and discussion. As a regular attendee I can say that the community welcomes new members and their ideas. Contributions come in all forms. Networking finds fertile ground. All that without a dedicated platform or streamlined onboarding. Imagine the possibilities.
Around Eden, and the Mainnet Community
Second term Chief Delegate meeting #6 saw a vote to ratify Yves La Rose as ENF President (courtesy of Michael O’Sullivan). Brock Pierce mapped out an ideal system of governance. Seems like Eden’s role as a mainnet governing body has gained some momentum. This section is about Eden and the community it governs. It’s a place to find news like a curated list of resources. Last week’s Mandel (#15) discussion talked about a new developer environment released this week by ENF and team. Termed D.U.N.E., the new environment comes in light of community feedback and needing to replace a docker image for lost native Mac support. View Mandel meeting #16 for more details. The ENF posted about subjective billing and lost transactions. As always, the community got together for another Fireside Chat. MyvoteEOS BP interviews are heating up.

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.
Follow Marco: Twitter
Nice week thanks for the article.