The more I deal with the legacy banking system the more convinced I am that cryptocurrency is the future. Crypto's use cases are lost on those that are perfectly happy and entrenched in societal structures - they can't imagine being unbanked even though most of the world is.

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haven't read this yet, but I love the title, looking forward to diving in!

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One of the best Article i have read on Bitcoin till the time.

Bitcoin is the future and you have to accept the truth either you love or hate Bitcoin

Most of the times Truth is bitter just accept it my Bitcoin Hater's who were regretting to not buy it at lower price and now they just want to decline the fact by being against of BTC

If there is lie there is Truth

If there is god then there is evil

If there are Lovers then there are Hater's too :D

Don't mind Cause i oftentimes went out of the main topics but i just wanted to speak this one

(Hope you will not mind)

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Everything is cyclical, the parallels with the beginning of the internet are spot on. There's always resistance to change, but in the end technology will prevail and our lives will improve. That's what we as humans tend to do.

Bitcoin (and the whole crypto world it inspired) is fascinating and I'm thrilled to be able to experience it from this (still) early stage.

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Great article. I never thought about how Bitcoin could be so important for the NEXT generation. We're still at an early stage but acceptance is on the way.

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Kids hitting middle school today will never remember a world where Dogecoin didn't exist.

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Using TTS is even better now. Adopting and acceptance come with time and I'm so happy to be here and apart of it.

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Bitcoin solves so many problems that exsist with the fiat/banking system. I'm just constantly surprised at how 'lock in' people are to the current system and how resistant they are to change.

I'm constantly scratching my head wondering why

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Another absolute article from Jason killing it with information and clarifications around some misconceptions that bitcoin has had over the past few years. Sure, Bitcoin can be considered "archaic" compared to the other coins that have come out. It may not be used as widely in things we know and see like WAX or ETH, but that doesn't rule out that Bitcoin is still the "golden child" of crypto.

I totally agree with Jason that Bitcoin has many use cases even today. I've heard several arguments from peers around me with the "its digital and not a solid asset, what is the actual value in it?" Many times I find myself baffled as well, but after reading this article I feel very confident in why I hodl these cryptos I have. It was absolutely brilliant bringing up the points where most of biggest technological improvements today came from products that people called "useless" when it first came out. I'm sure even phones and smartphones when they first came out, people may have been bewildered and amused at the idea, but in the end, thinking "why is this even necessary when we have payphones and home phones around?" Look at today, it is insanely rare to see a landline phone in a house or see someone walk to a telephone booth to use the payphone. In the end, I see it that everything is speculative in the end, until we start to see the actual value.

Bitcoin is still relatively young and has a lot of improvements to be made, but that doesn't mean that it's completely and utterly useless. A lot of use cases have come up, and the fact that you can keep your entire financial wealth in your pocket with no physical traces wherever you go is just one of the small insane things that come out of Bitcoin. Thanks for the great read, Jason, absolutely loved the article and hope to read more of your pieces in the future!

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Another absolutely genius article*

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People said this when electricity started being a thing

And when internet started being a thing

And when wifi started being a thing

Maybe we should start researching and actually paying attention to what this “things” are 👀

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Great work Jason, I love people with no crypto knowledge trying to argue that BTC is nothing/has no real value. The early internet/domains is a great point I often use. Love it, even more, when they start asking for more information about what you need to in order to buy only weeks later

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I read a great story.

it was like the memories of a dreamer trying to persuade people of an innovation in the first age.

Look guys, hammer is important.

Pickaxe, shovel, wheel, these are important things that will carry us to the future.

I'm sure at that time, some people did not want to accept them and resisted innovations.

but to be against bitcoin? What is your purpose, why would you want this?

We're talking about a more equitable, fairer economy for all people.

Is there anyone who does not dream of a better world for the new generation?

that's what bitcoin can provide us with. Just open your eyes and get rid of your prejudices.

Here is what I understand in this wonderful life story (which I saw in the article)..

someone used their time and effort to help me live better now and made the internet accessible to me.

I have to thank you for this, even if it's late

a thank you from around the world

using the internet only

one day you will get another thank you

someone for telling you about bitcoin and contributing to a better future

Someone who is not yet born now will thank you in the future.

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sorry for my bad english

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It is always challenging to take risks, breaking the traditional way is more better and innovative. One day when other countries see that the El Salvador economy rises with the help of bitcoin, other countries will follow. This is the trend and hard thing with most people, they wanted to see the outcome result-oriented than exploring and facing the challenges.

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The paid negative propagandists are working overtime to keep the value of BTC down so the billionaires can accumulate since they missed the boat.

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