Finally got around to reading this. Hmmm is Mr. Shift based on anyone IRL that loves gold? Hmm I wonder 😁. I love it!

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For a second I read Peter Schiff

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Loving the platform and the direction this project is heading! I can't wait to see how close we (Finney supporters) get to the moon! If you haven't already got yourself a HARD COPY of the Cryptowriter Volume 1, you're missing out! 🔥🚀🌕 Thank you to Sean, Kenny and everybody @ Cryptowriter! 😁

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Finney I love your journey so far. Looking at ur early days in crypto, you remind me of myself. While I do not keep my crypto on a personal wallet, I probably will when I get burned myself. I will keep following your crypto adventure and see where it leads you.

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I can't wait to read the other chapterss🙂🙃

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Really excellent article, as a noob being able to find valuable information like this directed from the main cryptofinney article is a valuable resource you dont see in many NFT projects!

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That's interesting content. I look forward to becoming a project that guides how blockchain technology will change the world in the future

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Thanks for the post, this project is really interesting as well as participating in it!!

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thanks you for post , like the story line , entertaining ,informative

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Magic! Entertainment and education all wrapped up in a comic book character. I can actually see this being used in schools 🤓 (I hope that’s being considered 😉) Just needs a customised elevator pitch and you’re away. Seriously I wish kids are taught about the many layers of crypto at school. Especially it’s creative (NFT dApps) opportunities for young minds.

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This is very cool storytelling. An interesting and fun way to get people into crypto. Looking forward to more Finney stories

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How insanely interesting to read this! One delight, I look forward to new publications!

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Great article, I knew a little about smart contracts but first-time really seeing examples and what it can be capable off (other then minting NFTs). I have invested in many cryptocurrency but knowing what its capable of gives me more hope of its future.

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