The first official election to employ EdenOS technology is scheduled for October 9th.
EOS Foundation grants were executed for the first time.
With that, and a growing ecosystem in mind, I thought I’d try to save the community some time. Hopefully a few souls wishing to gain a deeper understanding of, and/or quickly reference, the block producer (BP) environment will benefit.
Within this article, you’ll find a list of BPs who rank in the top 50 and contribute to the EOS mainnet community.
There's not much to the analysis used here other than:
cross-reference the top 50 BP rankings
visit each dedicated websites
check on active status
determine if easy two-way community engagement is maintained
It's one thing to engage in public relations. It's quite another to field questions and concerns. If a ranked BP is not present, then it was found to not meet the conditions listed above.
More detailed BP analysis can be found at EOS Rate, Aloha EOS, and EOS Authority, among others.
I believe it important to venture in such efforts especially as the EOS mainnet comes of age. EdenOnEOS governance affords every member the opportunity to make a real difference. Streamlining the manifestation of inspiration can be an asset in time management as well as for the creative process.
Join EdenOnEOS
For those interested in becoming influential community members, join EdenOnEOS. To learn and contribute to discussions about EOS and the EOSIO ecosystem, visit EOS Community Forums. For existing members, I present you with the following near-ripe, Pomelo seed of inspiration…
What would a list that includes an EdenOnEOS BP look like?
Below you'll find the aforementioned list and brief commentary on BP classifications.
Restatement of Criteria
The first question asked in compiling this list:
Does the block producer want to engage the community?
The next question asked:
Is the block producer current?
What does the block producer tangibly contribute?
The 26 Top-ranked Community Focused BPs
[1] Newdex (Cayman Islands), twitter support: staking pool, exchange, DeFi
[2] EOS Nation (Canada), twitter telegram: news, project development
[5] AtticLab (Kyiv), twitter telegram: software development, fintech
[6] Bitfinex (British Virgin Islands), twitter telegram: exchange
[9] EOS Asia (Cayman Islands), twitter telegram: dapp developer
[10] EOSeoul (Seoul), twitter telegram: dapp developer, accelerator
[16] GenerEOS (Sydney), twitter telegram: dapp dev, network tools, education
[21] Binance (Cayman Islands), twitter community: exchange, ecosystem
[25] Greymass (Vancouver), twitter EOSforums: wallet, tools dapp developer
[26] EOS Authority (London), twitter telegram: block explorer, tools, other
[28] EOS Rio (Rio de Janeiro), twitter telegram: wallet, tools
[34] nodeONE (Seoul), twitter telegram: promotional, support
[35] EOSArgentina (BuenosAires), twitter telegram: tools
[36] EOS Cafe Block (Canada), twitter telegram: block explorer
[37] eosDAC (United Kingdom), twitter telegram: DAC development
[45] EOS DETROIT (Detroit), twitter telegram: software/project dev, infrastruct
[46] EOS Titan (Sofia), twitter telegram: software development, infrastructure
[47] CryptoLions (Ukraine), twitter telegram: exchange, tools, dapp development
KEY: Block producer ranking taken from Aloha EOS and check against EOS Authority on September 21, 2021. To satisfy the guiding questions, all BPs listed here were found to have a dedicated website, active social media account and means to reach out for support.
There are several respected, productive BPs ranked outside the top 50. Cypherglass and EOS Costa Rica, just to name a couple. And a few more adter some telegram discussion:
EOS Amsterdam, EOS42, StartEOS
It’s no secret that EOS is a developer concentrated community. The above quick-hit, list illustrates this, as does the abundance of tools.
Maybe it’s the overwhelming popularity of DeFi, but I found this category a bit sparse.
Information science applications, e.g. news, not just explorer tools, appear to be a week point. Then again, won’t ClarionOS demonstrate profound power in this regard?
Also note that references to ‘development’ should be taken loosely since blockchain, infrastructure, tools, and dapp ventures can overlap.
Departing Thought
My hope is that you find this list useful and a joy to quickly reference. Go EdenOnEOS! (Congratulations to Zack and Yves for some mind-boggling, spectacular work getting the EOS Foundation off the ground.
I'm technically short of information. I realized it when I read it.
I need to close this lack of information as soon as possible. But something tells me that this is a very good development.
In fact, a common reason is that there is no bad news about EOS. I hope it will be as they want.
Thanks for the article.
Have a nice day.
Great list as a primer for people to look at for information into the EOS community. I think studying up on each of these would be a great exercise in learning about what is going on in the world of EOS.