I had a play with the testnet for OmniFlix today. All I can say is wow!! As expected it is just beautiful and already running fairly smoothly. Go and have a play with it

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Cosmos has entered this market very nicely. Of course, the atom has been around for a long time. I know this. But he started making me talk about him. And he did it in a great way. So I took my place. I did some research while I was getting a place. But frankly, I just heard about omniflix. I'm gonna have to take a deeper look at this.

Thank you for the good information.

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In this year atom is my best. I learn yesterday kepler wallet get not hack. I thinks it is so important. In cosmos i know juno and osmosis but i don't know omniflix . Thanks for the article.

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OMNIFLIX is a great and multifunctional project as a validator of different networks in the Cosmos ecosystem. Airdop is currently running it, don't miss it. Thank you for the article.

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Spot on, OmniFlix aren't just about to release a great project. They have been supporting the community for quite some time with the validator nodes on multiple chains. The airdrop is just another bonus from the OmniFlix team building this community

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This is really interesting. First time I have heard of the term liquidity bootstrapping pool (LBP). What is the easiest way to dip my toe in? What wallet do I need?

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You will need a Keplr or Cosmostation wallet. Keplr is the wallet of choice for me as it is the one commissioned by Cosmos and is just so easy to use and simple to connect to Ledger. For further details check my articles on Osmosis, there are some simplified explanations of LBP and how to get yourself started in Osmosis (the best DeFi app in all crypto IMO)

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Cosmos is such an underrated project. I don’t think most people even know what it is and it still baffles me that it’s market cap is low in relation to some of the projects which are built on it! Being a layer 0, I really think there is so much potential for Cosmos growth. I’ll definitely be watching the details for the mainnet launch of OmniFlix. This could be a great early investment opportunity if they go down the LBP route. An interoperable Metaverse platform in the Cosmos space - yes please!

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I'll be doing some more articles next month explaining what 2022 has in store for Cosmos and how it is going to capture enormous value this year. Definitely underrated and undervalued. The community is also so strong that it almost ignores the rest of the market when it comes to price volatility. OmniFlix is just another example of L1 sovereign chains connecting the Cosmos network via IBC that have a brilliant use case in it's own right. Just wait until Evmos goes live and the Gravity Bridge is finally connected to the Ethereum EVM and the money starts to flow from ETH into the Cosmos!! More on that later ;)

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Looking forward to it - can’t wait!

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Until now I had never heard of Omniflix.

Omniflix is just one more reason why I should invest in Cosmos.... and now that the market is low, maybe it's the perfect time to get in.🤔

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All I can say is don't wait. Hot tip: Coin Bureau is currently working on a new Cosmos video and we all know what happens when Coin Bureau does videos about an ecosystem (last time Crypto Guy spoke about Cosmos was September last year before the $10-$44 rally) Don't say I didn't warn you

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Thanks for sharing new Cosmos projects with us!!! The more I learn about this ecosystem, the more I like it

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Thanks for following me on this journey pilscoop. Many more to come

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