All excellent points, specially your analogy about opposing money when it was first invented, it's almost like they’re stuck in time, and there still trying to hold onto any resemblance of control they still think they have, normally it would not be an issue if they did not hold significant amounts of power to be troublesome, but as the …
All excellent points, specially your analogy about opposing money when it was first invented, it's almost like they’re stuck in time, and there still trying to hold onto any resemblance of control they still think they have, normally it would not be an issue if they did not hold significant amounts of power to be troublesome, but as the article stated obviously there are some in government that are starting to understand, that crypto is going to be the next generation of economically powerful companies, and these wise politicians are beginning to hedge their bets, ultimately time will tell the story, thank you very much for your common.
All excellent points, specially your analogy about opposing money when it was first invented, it's almost like they’re stuck in time, and there still trying to hold onto any resemblance of control they still think they have, normally it would not be an issue if they did not hold significant amounts of power to be troublesome, but as the article stated obviously there are some in government that are starting to understand, that crypto is going to be the next generation of economically powerful companies, and these wise politicians are beginning to hedge their bets, ultimately time will tell the story, thank you very much for your common.