Real NFTs brought to you by Defibox. Waving a Five farewell to ENF Recognition Grants. Developers wanted (more than ever). EPN is pulling innovation. Pomelo looks to outpace Gitcoin. Eden Capital shifts its course. Finney and the UNDRGRND, inspiring creators and audiences alike.
Defibox Allows EOS to Reinvent NFTs
You may have heard the rustles of NFTs heading EOS’ way. Last week it was BountyBlok, this week it’s Defibox. It wasn’t long ago that Defibox became a mainnet staple to complement Newdex. NFTs, like those WAX users grew accustomed to, don't seem to fit the Defibox style. An NFT standard is a different matter. A rapidly growing trend is staking (DeFi Box’s specialty) combined with NFTs. Advantages of the Defibox NFT Standard as compared by the team to Ethereum’s ERC721:
on-chain attributes alongside decentralized storage
accessible attributes capable of fragmentation and reorganization
low-cost transactions and reduced asset insurance
compressed data optimizes RAM consumption
Here’s the Github link uploaded a few days ago.
R.G. Wave 5: Reinventing the Wallet Ecosystem
This week at ENF HQ saw Recognition Grants Wave 4 distributed and Wave 5 announced. Wave 4 included:
EOS PowerUp
Jungle Testnet
Obsidian Labs
Aloha EOS
EOS Authority
When Anchor wallet heads out to catch a wave you know a nice swell is in its sights. Yves’ most recent blog post went into how crucial wallets are for the user experience. Wave 5 RG recipients will be:
Anchor Wallet
Token Pocket
Starteos Wallet
EOS Argentina (MetaMask)
Note that Wave 5 marks the final week of Recognition Grants. Wallet functionality is crucial for any blockchain. Even more so for high performance EOSIO chains. As well as a job as Anchor does, having other wallet options can greatly further mainnet missions. Especially if each provider contributes something special:
Each working group will deliver a blue paper paper in Q1 that covers research deeply related to one aspect of EOS. The blue papers will each serve as roadmaps …
Calling Developers

What better way to follow up the announcement of ENF Working Groups+ than co-founder Zack Gall’s call of developers. Others, like Mathew Darwin, joined in supporting and promoting the new ENF WG+. Matt focused on API development, funding and community input. Remember Scatter? Will this old, somewhat departed, wallet find new life? Making it on an Yves thread is a way to start.
EOS Power Network
Few blockchains have the capacity of moving at the speed of EOS. Innovation is a constant- like pull transactions coming to the mainnet. The EOS Power Network proposed solutions centering around pull transactions in a Pomelo pitch. According to Version1.0 of the team's Technical paper, the initial application will be for:
Subscriptions and Donations
Future applications could include:
Pre-authenticated transfers
Utility payments
Streaming payments
The Pomelo proposal is for:
A set of open-source smart contracts and a nodeos plugin that empower businesses on EOS to use pull transactions (like recurring subscriptions or donations).
Pull transactions are a way for DeFi applications to not have to rely on token senders to maintain contracts. Users should expect more robust applications. By pulling innovation this way, the EPN helps quicken the pace of Web 3.0. Watch the interview for James Mart’s insight and other contributions.
Pomelo Approaches Its First Finish Line
It’s almost here, the end of Round_01, Season_01. All those dedicated projects will soon be fueled up and ready to take off. Those who honestly believe and commit to the mainnet will be revealed. To say that mainnet growth is happening fast would be an understatement. Pomelo alone found recognition alongside Gitcoin Grants. Reasons are simple- real, lasting results. The latest Pitch Deck episode discusses Antifragile Education and EnergEOS. Also creating waves this week was TipBit. For those wishing to make a last minute donation and need help completing a transaction, visit How to donate on Pomelo (courtesy of EOS Support).
Around the EdenOS Genesis Community on EOS
In a Bywire News interview Brock Pierce said about Helios:
If the ENF is the treasury department, if Eden is what’s looking like the... government electing process for executive offices, we're the investment arm.
The twitter handle @EOSEden now redirects to @EdenCapt. This week, Eden Capital closed its Pomelo grant and refunded contributors. The team has instead chosen to focus on undervalued projects. Inspiring the move was a well received audience on twitter with a lackluster Pomelo performance. This means that its mission to:
...focus on spreading useful information for EOS mainnet, ecosystem and holders.
will be supplanted by its twitter profile, a:
...focus on undervalued #blockchain projects investment.
Potentially a win, win for the community who besides information found here in EOSweekly, can rely and expect news contributions from the following sources:
Chief Delegate meeting notes (by Chris Barnes and EdenOnEOS)
With the mainnet dedication Eden Capital already demonstrated, alongside EOSTARTER, Pomelo, Helios, and the ENF, no promising mainnet project should go unnoticed.
Cryptowriter (Finney) Report
What’s Finney been up to? Getting that heightening anticipation as a swell ushers in a beautiful set? Maybe tingling exhilaration accompanying crisp air of a perfect Autumn storm- movie night! Let’s start with the UNDRGRND (yes on EOS too); check out discord for info about an exploding, cross-chain art community. Fleenzy was kind enough to link us an Election Update for The Crunks, (a by-the-community comic). Need a starting point? Visit Finney World and maybe check the Road Map for coming releases, including 2.0. And as always, EOS/Finney relevant Cryptowriter articles for this week include:
What’s Next for the Bitcoin Protocol Now That Taproot Has Been Activated?
WTF is Astroport and why it's going to supercharge the Terra ecosystem
Of interest Cryptowriter Podcast Network on YT and Twitch for this week:

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.
These weekly summaries are an excellent source of information. Also good to see them getting longer each time!
Thanks for the update, as always.
Pomelo is really pushing EOS forward!!