Eden, Fractally, ENF, Pomelo… Community, Action, Funding, Productivity… These attributes are ingrained in EOS; these projects make EOS live again. Eden flexed its muscles pushing Fractally aside- for the moment. Pomelo’s star shines brighter. ENF refines course direction as its wake swells. Finney holds an Easter Contest.
EdenOnEOS Election #2
Following the resounding success of the first EdenOnEOS election, the second group of Chief Delegates have their sights on reestablishing EOS as a premiere blockchain. The Treasury was stocked with 200k EOS. As the EDEN on EOS twitter handle said:
It's no joke… …What are you waiting for?!
Proposed bylaw (Google doc) for Eden’s second batch of CDs to ratify. Specifics were discussed by Dan Larimer about a month ago. Proposed changes include:
overall community size as well as group-round size
establishing regularly scheduled elections
adjusting the Head Chief Delegate funding allotment
Requiring 3 EOS for new members and a few other things
BTW, if you visit Dan Larimer’s Twitter profile, notice the date on the pinned post. Eden's second official election logged just 5 days following the second anniversary of the More Equal Animals post. WOW! Things certainly happen fast on EOS.
ENF Establishes a New Funding Paradigm
In support of its mandate, the ENF announced the commencement of the EOS Network Foundation Grant Framework. Grants are central to the foundation’s mission of empowering developers. It’s been doing just that by funding Blue Paper working groups. Now that core mainnet need areas have been addressed, the new framework can lead development into a “new era”. Funding is available for both profit focus ventures and those building public goods; though, favor is granted the latter. New grants are:
…open to individuals, small teams, and companies alike, with grants scaled to fit the scope of each initiative. All forms of projects are encouraged to apply for grants however preference will be given to those with strong technical projects that clearly add to the public good.
ENF incorporates efficient and transparent milestones. In these ways the ENF Grant Framework compliments Polemo’s public goods funding. Read more at ENF Grant Framework: A New Era of Development on EOS or on github.
ENF Ventures Making Waves
‘EOS is Back!’ That’s the theme of the April 4 Venture Beat article entitled, EOS Network Foundation battles on the frontlines of the blockchain revolution. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing the article was removed for an unspecified reason. Try reading at the WayBack Machine archive (tip: scroll down). Venture Beat tweeted the article at 1 pm. The ENF quoted:
"The foundation that was formed by the community for the sole purpose of reviving #EOS… expanding $EOS’ strategic partnerships with new investors, devs, businesses and users."
EOS Nation quoted:
"It’s an exciting and inspiring tale about conviction winning over greed… EOS’s history is nothing short of a Hollywood masterpiece."
Head of ENF, Yves La Rose, also made news scheduling a Finance Mars Twitter Space on April 8 (the day before the second EdenOnEOS election). BTW, EOS also made NASDAQ news.
ENF + Object Computing: Great Expectations
The ENF / Object Computing partnership from last week continues to make waves. Everything EOS published a clip digging deepering into what the partnership means. Object Computing proudly boasted how it’s been a part of making EOSIO what it is today. Mathew Darwin confirmed this in a discussion saying:
“OCI has built a lot of the blockchain tech stack that we use today.”
Later in the same clip, Zack Gall’s discussed the importance of how this is a scalable partnership:
“OCI can scale with us, they’re a team of over 200 engineers. As our needs & demands scale, …OCI can step right in.”
Seemingly very quickly, the ENF, with support from Pomelo and other new ventures, felt strong enough to replace B1. That is, not just the trivial contributions B1 made at the end (leading up to Bullish and Voice), but all that Block.One was meant to be. Now throw in Object Computing, and that circulating superhero meme really does tell a tale.
Unsung Heros Spotlight: Call for Fractally Hindi Translation
It’s human nature to let things die off. While we may not run ‘as a people’ any more, having access to a car is a necessary reality for many. Our feeding grounds (grocery stores) miles away, a distance few travel on foot on any given day. Enter Fractally! I took part for the third time last week. Attendance makes a big difference. Weekly Standup Meeting are like taking live pitching opposed to watching from the bleachers. For example, within my group was an individual calling for a Hindi Translation of the Fractally Whitepaper. He took the time to navigate through the Fractally white paper and present a more readable web version for the Hindi target market. I found his initiative quite valuable. It should help reach a new market and boost Fractally as well as blockchain tech overall. Visit gokulnk on hive.blog, Hindi Translation of the Fractally Whitepaper. His more readable web version can be found here.
Fractally Weekly Meeting Gives Way to Eden Election
Joshua Seymore announced the cancellation of last Saturday’s Fractally meeting. If you’re not a member yet, you’re encouraged to join. Stay up to date with Fractally telegram chat and news. Other participants in my Fractally group this past week included the person behind NovaCrypto. He’s as active as anyone among EOS Telegram insiders. A diehard with his workshops, NovaCrypto continues to evolve content. Mind maps are among my favorite investigative tools. Often a pricey database that few have access to online, NovaCrypto’s MindWeb makes it easy to get up to speed. Community members are encouraged to contribute (i.e. through video rants).
In case you missed it, the SECOND EDEN ELECTION happened on April 9. Remember, new bylaws will be there for second gen Chief Delegates. There’s also a wealth of new funding. Both were already mentioned in the lead post. Mainnet development continues to move quickly. Though, dedicated Eden teams like those on Eden Members Telegram focused on preparation. While Eden news was relatively slow, take solace in the final CD meeting (see video), weekly Fireside Chat, and Mandel meeting #8. If you’re a member, you’ll probably want to check out the Member’s Recap channel. BTW, the recap team’s Pomelo grant was approved.
Meta Community: EASTER CONTEST
Looking for a fun way to get involved with the EOS community and sister chains? Join Meta Collect Discord (gen-chat) for things like Finney trivia, engagement rewards, games, and giveaways. There’s Finney Coins (and more) at stake, like this week’s EASTER CONTEST:
3 EOS Finney Coins for first place in trivia games
another 3 coins can also be won
Pick up a point by leaving an insightful comment here. Visit discord and tag me (@MachnBirdSparo#6232) for another.

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.
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So much news and EASTER CONTESTS!!!
It feels good seeing this after the break. Thanks!