ENF eases community concerns. Dan guides community brainstorming. Is Pomelo taking EOS mainstream? GenPool looks deeper into the motivation behind the Core+ blue paper. Upland introduced P2P transaction and a player ambassador.
ENF’s B1 Statement and Yves La Rose Rants
The community found clarity from comments by ENF head Yves regarding the $4+ billion legal filing against Block.one. In a Bywire exclusive, he stated the following:
The exact value of any potential claim against Block.one is yet to be determined. The purpose…is to let EOS community members know that we are aware of their concerns…
Eden Capital determined that the key to winning is:
…distinguish the difference between #EOS and #EOSIO…
Zack Gall dug up the 4 year old Steemit article where B1 clearly identifies EOS.IO and the EOS ecosystem as independent entities with distinct objectives. Also this week from Yves, where the following rants:
Daniel Larimer Inspires Constructive Brainstorming
Dan discussed smart contracts and DAOs this week. He emphasized how promises and reputation are connected:
…The only consequence for broken "promises" should be reputation, otherwise we are building on unbacked and unbackable promises. #DAO
Are they (reputable promises) essential building blocks of DAOs? Dan also pointed out that all ‘true’ DAOs can be recovered via forking. He extended the DAO to EdenOnEOS saying:
…imagine #Bitcoin (a DAO) claiming it needs a "foundation" to operate. The whole point of a DAO is to facilitate the spontaneous interactions of individuals creating value.
Inspiring further, Dan asked the community:
What are your top reasons for building on #EOS?
Instead of rallying around well known EOS advantages like transaction speeds and ‘readable’ account names, the community spewed off a wide variety of reasons over 128 replies:
The included image was found in a twitter reply by omido.
Buy EOS NFTs via Shopify
Shopify is recognized on the NYSE. It’s annual revenue approaches $3 billion. Pomelo’s quadratic funding roared onto the scene in its first season. Some might say that Pomelo had a better launch than Gitcoin- albeit with a rough path to follow. This week the Pomelo team announced it’s NFTs on Shopify. It’s another example of core EOS development pushing the envelope. Innovation had been limited under B1. Shopify introduces several easy payment methods, among other advantages. Interweaving EOS into everyday online life can only be good. It makes it easier to showcase what the mainnet has to offer. Pomelo values contributions. The team identified 95 early supporters who held a Golden Pomelo or S01 Pomelo Badge. Each received a limited supply Grant Collectible Pack.
Core+ Blue Paper Followup
Are you a dedicated EOS community member but a bit busy? Maybe check out GenPool Spotlight: The EOS Core+ Blue Paper with Jimmy, Adam, Sharif, Daniel and Stan. The video will not only give you an idea of what Core+ is all about, but also illuminate the motivation behind the team. It’s a superb example of the mainnet’s spirit and what it hopes to achieve. Here’s the Core+ blue paper again to read in full.
Upland P2P Transfers
Upland ranks among the most respected NFT projects. It’s viewed as both a game and metaverse with commercial advantages. More than this, the Upland world is based on real life properties. It’s a game chasing the same feel as Pokemon Go. Including one’s neighborhood into augmented reality has obvious advantages. Add peer-to-peer UPX transfers, and player connectivity becomes all the more ingrained. It’s a bigger deal than one might expect considering the potential Upland has for small business. Consider also the NFL Players Association’s interest. Football hits at the heart of neighborhoods. How much more meaningful is Upland’s P2P implementation with the announcement of an official player ambassador.
Around the EdenOS Genesis Community on EOS
Check out EdenOnEOS for the latest Chief Delegate meeting (#18) and Eden Clips. With the second election drawing near, here’s a really good recap of key topics for this week. A community member (@IgnoreRonPaul) condensed #16 for convenience. Hopefully Eden community continues to meet needs pertaining to both the operational flow of the network and that of individuals. Make no mistake, Eden members have already surpassed expectations for the average blockchain community. Still, there’s no measuring stick that tops out blockchain networking effeciency and the like. If clips, rants (see above), and more recaps improve member networking, stick with it. We must also maintain vigilance to align with the more complex infrastructure catering to information dissemination and intelligence gathering in support of community initiatives. EOS Game Night (on Discord) adds value to this end. So does the weekly Fireside Chat now present on both Discord and Twitter.
MetaFinney Report
With the launch of Meta Collect, Finney runs hotter than ever. This new approach to the weekly Finney community report will try to make it a bit easier to keep track of our favorite android’s impact and his friends. UNDRGRND Digs 012 is available. For those with a Tezos membership, you have a drop. Check out what Bitcoin Madame had to say:
Seems like every time I check my $Tezos wallet there’s a new NFT in there. Like this #airdrop from @UNDRGRND_NFT by @mekikobra ❤️ #UNDRGRND is the best NFT membership club ever!
As always, there’s giveaways and weekly engagement rewards for community members who inspire through their feedback (e.g. articles and videos on YT and Twitch).

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.
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Thanks for the news of EOS weekly.
Awesome week thanks for the article.