Wallet+ BluePaper
No one argued the community’s choice in its first EdenOnEOS Head Chief Delegate Aaron Cox. Sure, he’s among the most personable and engaging developers within the ecosystem. What really stands out is his leadership developing Anchor, the community’s most trusted wallet. Crypto wallets hold definite valued. Hense the importance of the recently released blue paper for the Wallet+ working group. Key to helping EOS reach that next level is connecting with users. The following areas were identified for development:
Broad functionality
Application registry
Ricardian Contracts
Additionally, features that catch the eyes of everyday users are at the heart of Wallet+. For example:
Hardware wallet integration
Account recovery
Web Authen
Profile and Avatar System
These and other topics can be found within the Wallet+ Blue Paper available for download in English, Korean, and Chinese at the ENF Medium blog.
Dan Discusses Fractally with Helios
Dan does so many interviews one might think he’s a Hollywood guy like that Helios guy. Or maybe an aspiring spotlight MC like so many in crypto. Maintaining a developer’s persona while conducting trending interviews based on months (even years) old tech- that’s not Dan Larimer. Ever heard of ClarionOS, EdenOS, Mandel- your task, find the release dates on these projects. Anyway, Dan’s latest interview is about even newer tech: fractally. In an interview this week, Helios’ Gavriel Shaw emphasized Dan’s words about Fractally’s universal design:
Absolutely… Fractally can completely eliminate the capture by exchanges or by Proof of Work or by any creator distributed wealth. [source]
Here’s Dan on why Fractally is needed:
…all users, all token holders benefit from that action and should be recognized as such… the challenge is how do you recognize these contributions in a way that is credibly fair… and that’s the problem that Fractally solves. [00:03:46]
On participation:
Anyone can form a team…willing to attend multiple meetings… can even submit the same article… to multiple fractals… it’s all on IPFS, it’s all transparent… in order to participate in the governance process you have to do so at least once a month…so that’s the first thing, you’re inviting people to participate…to have a say in your community… [1:07:05]
Pumping EOS: EVM+
The ENF announced the EVM+ working group in January. Before that, B1 challenged the community to code in Solidity. An EOS EVM becomes even more significant with Fractally and EdenOS taking shape. Fractally can be used for platform agnostic consensus. EdenOS plans to become a governance protocol that other blockchains can adopt. EVM+ could provide support by bridging EOSIO/Mandel sister chain applications. Rumor has it that an EOS EVM is just weeks away. The degree of its alpha application remains to be seen. Beyond the excitement of leveraging new tools and expanding user networks is the tendency for prices to explode upon EVM deployment. A final word this week from the ENF goes beyond public goods in support for EVM-based apps like:
More Goodies From Edenia Web3 Builders
The mainnet community is probably more familiar with EOS Costa Rica than with Edenia. That’s because the Edenia team focuses on EOS and develops on sister chains like WAX. Through EOS Costa Rica, the team deployed powerful dapps like:
Edenia develops infrastructure for Web 3.0. Of course, this means a blockchain-based solution. However, as more developers are realizing, getting Web3 off the ground is as much about integrating applications that showcase the potential of blockchain and crypto. It’s as much about innovative brilliance as it is about understanding what users, regulators, and traditionalists are ready to accept. Team Edenia seems to understand these factors better than most in the blockchain space. Thankfully, as the EOS mainnet grows to incorporate EVM+, EdenOS, and Fractally, there’ll be dedicated Web3 tools at the ready. For a complete list of Edenia tools for EOS, visit the website and join the team’s Discord.
Pomelo Update: PowerUp Another $125k
Pomelo’s second season hasn’t even started and already $1 million dollars is up for grabs. The seven figure mark was surpassed when the EOS Network Foundation made its latest contribution (as reported by Bywire). Remember, NFT sales and seasonal donation have yet to be tabulated. Through the amazing allocation of quadratic funding, the projects most highly valued by the community get funded to the greatest degree. Find out more about Pomelo or dig deeper into the Grants Policy Wiki. For a detailed overview of the benefits and workings of quadratic funding, visit the Gitcoin (WTF is QF) project which Pomelo was modeled after.
Fractally: Weekly Standup Meetings
Fractally weekly standup meetings test the technology’s current operational dynamics. The process, as well as membership, is open for anyone with a Hive account to join. Read the white paper at Gregory Wexler posted an updated outline for weekly preparation:
Sign the Fractally Contributor Agreement (FCA) as posted by Dan on Hive less than 24 hrs prior to this week’s newsletter posting
A change from last week is the move toward Hive accounts for participation since EOS accounts cannot sign the FCA
Participants are asked to change Zoom display names to match Hive accounts
Rank and RESPECT will be available via a Fractally post
Check the current meeting’s Agenda and Process document
So far there have been 3 meetings. I participated last week. You can join here. Fractally is about providing actionable consensus for any blockchain, or as Dan said during an interview this week: any creator distributed wealth.
Around EdenOnEOS
In addition to the ENF increasing matching funds for Pomelo, the foundation will match an additional 1000 EOS for Eden China’s trial election. That brings the possible total for EdenCN to 25,000 EOS. Follow up with EOS Bees for the latest on the Rants competition. You’ll find mindmaps for EOS Rants and Fractally among the Bees’ links. When Head Chief Delegate Aaron Cox runs quiet for a few weeks, it probably means he’s got something brewing. So when Everything EOS revived the iconic podcast with a focus on Wallet+, guess who joined. Holding heading and horizon, this week saw regularly scheduled Chief Delegates meeting #22, Wendsdays’ Fireside Chat, EOS Mandel meeting #5, and Helios’ weekly top 5 EOS moments.
Meta Community Engagement Rewards
In addition to regular community engagement rewards, giveaways, and poker, tag me (MachnBirdSparo) in Discord gen-chat for Finney trivia. There’s EOS Finney Coins in it for you. Don’t forget to check out EOSwriter Podcasts and articles. Also, you may still have time to participate in this week's NFT giveaway.

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.
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This week has been bullish, hope it will end that way, thanks!
Awesome week and awesome improvements . Thanks for the article.