EOSweekly: Wombat Dungeon, Gamebox, Eden Tokens, Hack Resolution, Helios, Bullish, Eva, EVM, ENF
Eden NFTs and BTC Miners flex their muscle in the Wombat Dungeon. Gamebox is going to be a thing alongside Defibox. Bittersweet USDT for some who wanted Pizza. Baby steps for the combined venture of the mainnet and Helios. Bullish demonstrating some revolutionary concepts. Eva has solutions for ridesharing. A networking token by THE architect. An unmasked (bearded) samurai calls attention to EVM and rebrands the ENF.
Wombat’s New Staking Dungeon
When it comes to competitive user interfaces, Wombat tries to break the mold for EOS and crypto. The user experience needs to mature as Wombat combines traditional play-to-earn with crypto tech. This week may prove to be the difference. Wombat Dungeon enables holders of EOS/WAX NFTs to stake their assets and earn rewards. Participants draw from a pool based on the mining power of NFTs ‘hidden’ within the Dungeon. dotGems tabbed it as the first NFT staking for EOS. Still early in its development, the app appears to present a new twist on NFT staking.
The people at Newdex and Defibox are relentless. They produce the kind of stuff that might draw competition across military departments. Newdex exchange is robust, effective, and user friendly all while providing a wealth of data on screen. Defibox is newer with a more excusable UX, but works just fine. More than this, Defibox amplifies the power of Newdex via swaps, mining and more. But that’s not why you started reading. Gamebox? Really? That’s just aggressively pursuing asset exchanges. All we know so far is that the Defibox/Newdex people are a playful sort and the community prefers “blue”. Gamebox twitter account went live just hours ago. Nope, no site listed there yet. Did you notice the little joystick… told you… they’re gamers…
Resolving a Hacked Pizza
Last week’s Pizza Lend hack found resolution. The Pizza team started by requesting return of tokens scattered throughout community accounts. The situation was described this way:
Regathering tokens from a millions accounts back to one account is 10x more difficult than sending them from one account to one million accounts. …
Since many of the tokens were not returned, compensation was deemed best via a snapshot and equivalent USDT value. The platform would only reopen once most of the value was restored. To honor the events that transpired, as well as the people that helped and token holders, Pizza Lend will mint special NFTs. The community is encouraged to share their ideas.
Bullish, Helios, and Their Growing Influence
Chris Barnes found a new role this week. It’s unconventional for someone known as a primary information disseminator for the mainnet community. For starters, Chris retweeted Fred Krueger’s Bullish analysis. Fred described a decisive factor for the success of Bullish and the mainnet:
…a "record" function as opposed to a DEX function… prove that the bones of EOSIO are as good as any other hi performance chain out there.
As for Chris himself, he changed his twitter profile to:
…Guardian of @helios_rising_…
Please note that B1 popularized the term “EOS VC”. It became a point of contention around the mainnet community for some time. B1’s EOS VC is described in an independent ‘About’ section here. Seemingly its own department within B1, it even had its own dedicated website vc.eos.io (which currently redirects to b1.com).
The above is mentioned for viewer clarity pertaining to a recent Brock Pierce interview. Ending on another powerful note comes by Thomas Farley’s comment about what Bullish brings to the table:
… will explode when they see what retail pays to buy crypto...
Eva Steps Out of the Shadows
Eva announced successfully securing $1.2 million via its September seed funding. The company was established in 2017 as a socially conscious ride sharing venture. The apps was launched in 2019 around Montreal. Eva core team’s primary objective is developing software that empowers drivers. Also key is a locally focused mindset. Eva’s recent activities are outlined in a BetaKit article discussing the allocation of seed funding. It’s the first step toward expanding Eva ridesharing across the North East. Termed “social franchising” by co-founder and COO Dardan Isufi, team EVA believes it can solve many of the issues faced by companies like Uber.
bytemaster7 Envisions a Networking Token
For a while there, bytemaster7 mainnet commentary would include or conclude something like… ‘well, back to the ClarionOS thing’. His most recent community engagement feels reminiscent of the brink of those explosive times of DAWN, a new mainnet fee protocol, and the governance model. Is Clarion near ready? Among recent chatter is independent community tokens:
Proposal for multiple @EdenOnEOS communities each with their own token… EOS grows in value as communities grow …incentivized to get people to stake EOS. More coming...
This week, he also gave us a glimpse of free accounts for a “DAO of DAOs”. This comes on the heals of last week’s “safe margin lending system”, something Bullish choose to run with.
Around the EdenOS Genesis Community on EOS
The ENF is not the EOS mainnet, nor does it solely determine Eden decisions. It is however as strong an influence as exists around our entangled communities. This is why when head ENF Samurai tweets that EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatibility is a top priority, the whole community needs to listen. EOS Argentina thanked the EOS Network Foundation for tasking it with the venture. Regular video scheduling includes Chief Delegate meetings #8 and #9 as well as EdenOS Roadmap & Progress Report - With Brandon Fancher and Mike Manfredi. Note that Eden NFTs stake very well in Wombat Dungeon. Also, the ENF got a new logo (with the help of RNO1). This last bit of information may mark a radical shift in how the mainnet is perceived.
Cryptowriter (Finney) Report
A brilliant future for Cryptowriter, Finney, The Crunks, and the UNDRGRND is rising fast on the horizon. New developments are ongoing. Network growth and community/blockchain diversification continue to become more robust. As for this week, BTC Miners made their power felt in the Wombat Dungeon. The UNDRGRND got a new writer. A red jacket Finney (on WAX) has yet to be burned into existence. This week marked round 23 of the Cryptowriter Engagement Challenge. As always, EOS/Finney relevant Cryptowriter articles for this week include:
BoE Warns Bitcoin Could Become “Worthless” – It’s True, and That’s Why Bitcoin Is So Valuable
When it Comes to Bitcoin’s Price, You’re Confusing ‘Extreme’ and ‘Normal’
Of interest discussions by the Cryptowriter Podcast Network on YT and Twitch for this week:

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.
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Great week, great developments, thank you for bringing them to us.
Ooh didn't know about Wombat Dungeon, I love staking my NFTs. Thanks