It’s safe to say Finney has seen his fair share of the globe. The #FinneyGlobal competition has wrapped up and we’re excited to share some of our favourite entries with you.
The Finney Global competition had a massive prize pool, like nothing we’ve done before. Here are some of our favourite entries from the top 10, each of these win a Killer Finney + A War Finney. Scroll on to find the top three winners!
And finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for the top three entries for the Finney Global competition!
Thank you to everyone who entered we loved seeing your entries! Here are a few more honourable mentions:
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Absolutely love seeing all these , I'm so proud of all of you guys. Massive congratulations to Charlie and everyone else who won. Thank you everyone for going above and beyond as usual you are the most amazing Cypto-Community out there
It was a lot of fun, congratulations to everyone who participated !