Increasing corporate participation in Defi means that more institutional investors will be involved in the future. Defi is really growing and the number of institutional investors is increasing day by day.

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Will defi replace banks?

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Not possible at present. DeFi is very radical.

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I think there will definitely be an alternative, but even if it takes its place, I think it will take a very long time.

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Hope so, the House of Medici are rolling over in their graves.

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I geniunely love DeFi. Crypto gives you the opportunity to manage your wallet other than the daily currencies. It only belongs to you and you are the only responsible person for your currencies, that's crazy. Unfortunately centralized exchanges restrict you in this way...

I belive CEXs are the starting point in this journey (at least that's how I started), however DEXs have the spirit of crypto. Only problem on DEX is the security problem, I hope it will get better by time.

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Yes, the DEXs are evolving and they are getting better.

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defi takes the bitcoin and digital currency revolution to the next level.

We produce and will continue to produce great solutions.

A year ago people were saying:

digital currencies are good, but how people will borrow and lend, we will always be bankrupt.

now he is solving the problem.

and we will continue to move forward by solving every problem that comes to our mind.

This transformation is inevitable.

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I love DeFi. For me, crypto complements one of the missing stones.

Most importantly, decentralized. That's why Defi is so important.

And I think it's going to get bigger and bigger. I hope it goes smoothly.

And it always goes forward.

DeFi is revolution.

Thanks for the article.

Have a nice day.

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Thanks! Very interesting read. Another great Cryptowriter content. Learning more about DeFi.

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DeFi platforms took the crypto world to the next level in the last months, Right now the wind of defi is blowing a little slower, market drop, various rug pulls etc. In my opinion, the DeFi system should undergo a change in itself, they should be combined with other technologies and a good wind should be blown again.

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You can be sure that the interest of corporations in Defi is increasing day by day.

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Defi projects are a very important building block for cryptocurrencies. It almost complements the crypto. So I can't imagine a crypto world without Defi. If Defi develops, crypto also develops. Especially eliminating the middleman is awesome. Thanks for the informative post. A very useful article.

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It will get bigger as it offers comfort and opportunities to people. The biggest plus is that it is initially decentralized.

Thanks for the article

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Dang 64% jump in one year feels more like mass adoption, good news!

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Compliance is key for big corporate money to enter DeFi. I don't know to what extent we're gonna be seeing much of it.

I believe the future of DeFi depends more on retail investors, as more and more people look for ways to take advantage of crypto and find alternatives to the traditional banking system.

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Defi is little by little becoming a new alternative to banks, and eventually I think banks could go obsolete (obviously this wouldn’t be soon) .

As a guy interested in crypto I like the idea of it, but as a punk that hates banks I love it even more !!!

Great article

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Glad to know that you liked.

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Defi is the new craze in Crypto world as many people are investing in the defi coin ( Coins of the Defi Projects) as per example Cake , Bake and many others and if i give my opinion Defi is the future and it has a lot potential and a alternative or maybe replacement for Banks too ;)

Nice Article Paragism

Thanks For posting this one was waiting for something like this !)

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The future is here and now. Financial systems are still running on old concepts and protocols, we are in the early stages of another financial revolution. It will take time and effort from everybody to see it through.

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