Last 90 Days of Transactions - Terra
Terra Ecosystem - Let's take a look at the transactions for the last 90 days on Terra. Contracts, volume, etc.
All of my data was created via Flipside Crypto infrastructure.
First, it is important to document my definitions. For this analysis, I first explored all of the transactions with msg_type = 'wasm/MsgExecuteContract' (I decided to look at only transactions with msg_type = 'wasm/MsgExecuteContract' because it represents the things that matter the most on Terra. Smart contracts! Protocols! Dapps!)
I used terra.msgs for my queries. No other data was needed.
Let's get into it!
First, let's look at a summary of all transactions (with msg_type = 'wasm/MsgExecuteContract')
Total Transactions - Last 90 Days
You can see here, there have been 11,835,212 transactions for the last 90 days. Here is a running total to get an idea of the rate of these transactions.
Total Transactions - Last 90 Days
Now who are the people making these transactions? How many addresses were there?
After querying, I found that of these 11,835,212 transactions - there were only 191,146 addresses signing those transaction.
Total Addresses (senders) - Last 90 days
Of those 191,146 addresses, who are the folks signing the MOST transactions?
Let's look at the top 20.
Top 20 Active Addresses - Last 90 days
The top 20 addresses range from 490k to 30k transactions. Wow!
It is interesting to see the total transactions that these addresses can handle, but the information that I find more interesting is WHAT they are transacting WITH/FOR. What protocols, contracts, dapps?
Let's take a look.
We've given a summary of the total number of transactions, addresses, and the high activity addresses. Now let's find out what contracts they are interacting with!
This might get tricky, fast.
First, how many contracts have been interacted with in the past 90 days?
Total Contract Addresses - Last 90 days
Let's break down our numbers so far:
Total Transactions: 11,835,212
Total Addresses: 191,146
Total Contracts: 2,179
Lots of transactions, lots of addresses, and lots of contracts.
What are the most active contracts? Let's take a look at the top 30 by the number of total transactions. Not USD volume. (I want to calculate this sometime)
Top 30 Active Contracts - Last 90 days
The top 30 most active contracts range from 977k transaction to 86k transactions.
This great, but what/who are these contracts?? What protocols/dapps are being used?
Let's look at all top 30. (I pulled all 30 of these manually from )
Top 30 Active Contracts (transactions) - Last 90 days
terra1cgg6yef7qcdm070qftghfulaxmllgmvk77nc7t - Anchor Price Oracle
terra1eek0ymmhyzja60830xhzm7k7jkrk99a60q2z2t - RandomEarth
terra1sepfj7s0aeg5967uxnfk4thzlerrsktkpelm5s - Anchor Market
terra1w8t3fkm80sud5z9yr86tfcxz675mj85p8prauc - Mirror Relay?
Hasn't had a tx since Columbus-4
Relay Transaction
terra1tndcaqxkpc5ce9qee5ggqf430mr2z3pefe5wj6 - LUNA-UST Pair Terraswap
terra1t6xe0txzywdg85n6k8c960cuwgh6l8esw6lau9 - Mirror Oracle
terra183uw6660lrpzfh0rdfa3rrn24m3ke7qffgmfrd - Mirror Relay?
Tx on Col-5, replacement for old Mirror Relay?
Relay Transaction
terra14z56l0fp2lsf86zy3hty2z47ezkhnthtr9yq76 - Anchor Token (ANC)
terra146ahqn6d3qgdvmj8cj96hh03dzmeedhsf0kxqm - Anchor Airdrop
terra1hzh9vpxhsk8253se0vv5jj6etdvxu3nv8z07zu - aUST Token
terra1kalp2knjm4cs3f59ukr4hdhuuncp648eqrgshw - Mirror Airdrop
terra1kcthelkax4j9x8d3ny6sdag0qmxxynl3qtcrpy - Pylon Token (MINE)
terra15gwkyepfc6xgca5t5zefzwy42uts8l2m4g40k6 - Mirror Token (MIR)
terra17f7zu97865jmknk7p2glqvxzhduk78772ezac5 - Mirror Staking
terra1kc87mu460fwkqte29rquh4hc20m54fxwtsx7gp - BLuna Token
terra1vs9jr7pxuqwct3j29lez3pfetuu8xmq7tk3lzk - Assert Limit Order Terraswap
terra13xujxcrc9dqft4p9a8ls0w3j0xnzm6y2uvve8n - StarTerra Token (STT)
terra1ud39n6c42hmtp2z0qmy8svsk7z3zmdkxzfwcf2 - Pylon Airdrop
terra1tmnqgvg567ypvsvk6rwsga3srp7e3lg6u0elp8 - Anchor Overseer
terra1dy9kmlm4anr92e42mrkjwzyvfqwz66un00rwr5 - Valkyrie Token (VKR)
terra12897djskt9rge8dtmm86w654g7kzckkd698608 - Nexus Token (PSI)
terra178jydtjvj4gw8earkgnqc80c3hrmqj4kw2welz - MINE-UST Pair Terraswap
terra19pg6d7rrndg4z4t0jhcd7z9nhl3p5ygqttxjll - STT-UST Pair Terraswap
terra1kehar0l76kzuvrrcwj5um72u3pjq2uvp62aruf - Spectrum Mirror Farm
terra1ude6ggsvwrhefw2dqjh4j6r7fdmu9nk6nf2z32 - Valkyrie Staking
terra1jxazgm67et0ce260kvrpfv50acuushpjsz2y0p - bLUNA-LUNA Pair Terraswap
terra12kzewegufqprmzl20nhsuwjjq6xu8t8ppzt30a - Nexus PSI-UST LP Staking
terra1g7jjjkt5uvkjeyhp8ecdz4e4hvtn83sud3tmh2 - Apollo Factory (zap strategies)
terra1fxwelge6mf5l6z0rjpylzcfq9w9tw2q7tewaf5 - Spectrum Staking
terra1gm5p3ner9x9xpwugn9sp6gvhd0lwrtkyrecdn3 - ANC-UST Pair Terraswap
How about over time? I created a massive CASE statement that renamed all of these contracts to their names, because who wants to look at contract addresses?
Top 30 Active Contracts (transactions) - Last 90 days
Top 30 Active Contracts (transactions) - Last 90 days - stacked
As you scroll through the interactive chart - it is super interesting to see the new protocols introduced with Columbus 5 become more active than the older contracts.
Top 30 Active Contracts (transactions) Running Totals - Last 90 days
Top 30 Active Contracts (transactions) Running Totals - Last 90 days - stacked
Wow! Some incredible numbers/metrics showing the volume of transactions with the contracts/protocols involved.
We mentioned before, for the last 90 days:
Total Transactions: 11,835,212
Total Addresses: 191,146
Total Contracts: 2,179
Then we looked at which contracts these addresses were interacting with.
The part that I find most interesting, is the activity and number of protocols post-Columbus 5.
When we look at the charts above, notice the difference between August/September and October/November.
It is super interesting to see how quickly RandomEarth has become the most active contract in the recent months. During Columbus 4, it was almost ALWAYS the Anchor Price Oracle and Mirror Relay!
During Columbus 5, it seems to be much more widespread. RandomEarth is definitely #1 most days, but the #2-#5 spots seem to jump around. Mirror Relay remains a high activity contract, but Valkyrie Token, Nexus Token, and others seem to be throwing in a few high activity days as well!
Super cool to see the volume when RandomEarth first went live with Galactic Punks! We haven't been able to recreate that yet! 😉
Thanks for reading!
brian_#3619 on Discord
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Very good things are happening in the Terra network, I'm sure a nice wind will blow here, thank you for the article.
That's impressive!! Columbus-5 really pumped things up