The EOS mainnet transformed the day Pomelo went live. It went from laboriously built dapps to efficient, coordinated development. The community finally has a single, trusted place to display, view, and fund needed projects.
Through quadratic funding, only community supported ventures move forward. Maybe even more impactful is how quickly the community can rally around a bright idea.
An Undeniable Impact
Pomelo’s overall impact is undeniable. It allows for:
The mainnet community to convene over specific projects.
Conversations guided by well-thought out (and approved) presentations.
Efficiently distributed funds.
Intangible resources to gravitate toward community backed projects.
Throughout its history, the EOS mainnet saw one bright idea after another slip out to oblivion. Many have sighed over the need to remind the greater community that an idea was presented, sometimes even tried, but lacked requisite funding.
Getting the Job Done
Even essential applications have waned from time to time. Core developers simply didn’t always have the time to dedicate. Developer efforts benefit with the advent of Pomelo in a variety of ways. Here are a few:
coordinated efforts
efficient resource distribution
assured benefits
By centering productive conversations around promising projects, mainnet needs become clear. Efficient resource distribution supports clear mindsets to their maximums. These efforts go where needed because the community can convey desire and specifics for each venture by vesting both a vote and personal funds.
From start to finish, Pomelo ensures that a good idea comes to fruition.
Some Background
EOS was a community of fortitude before Pomelo. Combined with the EOS Network Foundation (ENF), Pomelo electrifies the community. It enables the mainnet to reach its full potential. A bit of an over characterization, but please allow the following indulgence…
Where the ENF flexes muscle, Pomelo acts as a symphony conductor.
Pomelo is a team player. It coordinates efforts with independent parties throughout the community, even beyond the ENF. Eden members can be found hovering around Pomelo. Other instances, like posing for a CryptoFinney, share in uplifting the community.
As a brief historical overview of how the mainnet recently transformed, consider the following…
Eden’s first election gave the community hope.
The EOS Network Foundation inspires community action.
Pomelo encourages targeted discourse.
Helping Projects Reach New Heights
The following projects existed long before Pomelo went live:
EOS Authority
EOS PowerUp
EOS Rate
There are others indeed. Pomelo funding and overall support can uniquely empower each one. And, it does so in a highly efficient manner.
In terms of newer projects:
EOS Support
EOS Bees
Bywire News
Just to name a few. Each one of the above are promising in their own right. However, many new projects will find life through Pomelo funding. Others would go on regardless, but gain breathing room to reach higher through quadratic funding.
Taking Stock
Here are some stats the Pomelo team tweeted halfway through the first round of Season 1:
It’s worthy to note that alongside Pomelo, support for EOSTARTER and EOS Bees expects to increase the flow of funds towards the mainnet.
If that weren’t enough, Pomelo’s recognition continues to grow across crypto:

Concluding Thoughts
EOS is a developer-centric community. EOSIO is technologically capable of reaching the masses. Cross-blockchain bridges are part of the solution. Pathways catering to coordinated outlets and distribution mediums are others.
EdenOS provides a governance (and eventually insurance) solution. ClarionOS will soon add another missing piece. The ENF funds and guides development efforts. Entities like B1 add strength.
Pomelo broadly empowers the community. It does so by entangling the developer-centric nature of EOS with users. It’s an unparalleled, vested effort. Blockchain needs this. Especially considering how much the very idea of crypto is tied to value-added networking.
This does give excitement and hope. Everything the project is going makes me want to engage more and more with this community, so great update.
Pomelo is definitely a pillar of the EOS community and will push it forward.