Of course, time will tell everything. But I think that if Bukele's doing something tremendous can benefit his country and citizens with this project, it will make a big impact.

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I wish America was cool enough to do something like this, it would help with the debt problem with China, that's for sure.

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I think it's a logical decision to take a step towards predictable innovation when a country is in bad shape or not. This applies to all countries.

In this direction, it will provide an extraordinary benefit rather than the problem it brings to the country.

I think other countries should take an example.

Thanks for the article.

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As you said, I didn't know where El Salvador was.

I found out after the bitcoin decision.

But I loved the sections in the article.

The reason is that everyone is just talking about the good aspects.

They talk about the hard parts as if they don't exist.

But here's the good part.

If El salvador can do it, every country can do it.

Actually, it's a great task, although it's a difficult task.

I hope El Salvador makes it.

El Salvador must succeed.

Thanks for the article.

Have a nice day.

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Salvador has been making a lot of changes for the better this last years. This is prove of it. Even if for some extremely reason this “doesn’t work” (which I don’t see possible) they’re trying to changes how things are getting done !

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Time will tell. Thanks for the update on the situation. I'll keep this in my radar.

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I really want El Salvador to use bitcoin successfully.

this would be the first successful example of a real exercise.

and many countries will follow.

In other words, we will have taken a big step towards the world we have dreamed of.

All of us who invest in crypto and rely on this technology should do something and play a role in its success.

El Salvador's success or failure will not only affect them.

We must take responsibility.

Thanks for the great article.

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It's a huge step from El Salvador, and I think developing countries like El Salvador should also make use of BTC and other cryptocurrencies, because it would take them one step closer to their goals. On the other hand, I don't believe developed countries will do something about this in short run. They are just observing for now, their welfare and economy are in a good position so they don't want to take a radical decision yet.

Hopefully, we will get good news gradually.

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I want to see how big businesses like McDonald's implement this. It will set a precedent to be used elsewhere and hopefully boost Bitcoin adoption worldwide.

We're living in exciting times. Good things are happening.

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El Salvador has made a life changing move and if it's Successfully implemented/Completed i can assure that El Salvador names would be remembered atleast by the 70% of the world cause this move can change Everything in El Salvador and their move can change the whole world cause if they are successful other countries are gonna adapt it too and i heard some news that USA is also thinking about something don't know what but we will get to know in the upcoming days :)

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Great read! Even though there are a lot of things that can go wrong, definitely a step in the right direction.

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A very nice article. I didn’t have much background on El Salvador or Bukele. It’s interesting that the attorney general was let go under the circumstances. Did the investigation just stop after that?

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I'm so glad to hear that

Hearing things like this while BTC is falling gives me hope

I hope many countries support btc like el salvador because if the states support it, men like elon musk can't control the market, the people win

El Salvador introduced his country to the world with this news. I'm sure the bad economy will improve, this news is officially revolutionary in the economy, congratulations al salvador

Citizens will continue to lose if governments do not support crypto.

Biden, Putin, Macron, Erdogan please hear my voice

thanks for your time

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I don't know where El Salvador is. I think he was the initiator of a very important revolution. I think in a hundred years ' time, El Salvador will be written in textbooks.I believe that this is just the beginning. Other countries will not be insensitive to this and will accept it one by one. But it's not a week's process, maybe it'll take years.

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In 2018 I was happy just hearing news saying that certain cities around the world are thinking of adopting crypto. It didn't happen and bitcoin recovered. Even if something were to go wrong in the next 3 months (which I'm expecting 100%) Bitcoin will prevail!

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El salavador also believes that such a tender has a positive result, and the bill gradually increases the acceptability of bitcoin by countries.

If El Salvador uses this trump correctly, its rise will be inevitable.

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