This three words has special and different meaning and everyone should know about that if you ask me this word's are meant really important to me don't know about others that why they use it
For understanding or for looking cool don't know maybe they think that these words are cause one of the guy told me that these words are just so cool lol
I am in market since 3-4 years and i am still holding my btc
When btc was at ATH i was making a huge profit but i know the potential of Bitcoin which is 10× then that and i will hold it till I don't think it's over (Btw that day will never come ) 😁
Very nice article, we definitely need more of this in the space. There are far too many people who have no problem shilling cryptocurrencies without educating people in what they're getting themselves into. Investing in crypto is certainly not for the faint of heart, but if they follow your advice, I think they will be very happy long-term. I think it's important to set investment goals and have a reasonable investment timeline before buying anything. Following through on this will create many winners in the cryptocurrency space. Cheers and thanks for the advice!
The shell shocked people from 2018 are the most affected by these dips. I just keep thinking of all the people who have on ramped with Doge being their only asset. I just hope people learn from their mistakes during this dip, reposition, and HODL!
Bitcoin has been killed countless times already. This is just a hiccup, all will be back to normal soon enough. Accumulate as much as you can and keep on hodling.
This is just a momentary thing, eventually the market is going to make enough changes to make everything come back to normality.
Also, I would like to remember people not to risk all your life savings into just one thing (doesn’t matter if is a traditional business or crypto) and spect no risk.
Yeah, I think this is just momentary and it’s going to go back soon, but that doesn’t mean is all going to be secure and risk free.
Please, crypto is not just the easy way to make money, take that in consideration when you invest.
This three words has special and different meaning and everyone should know about that if you ask me this word's are meant really important to me don't know about others that why they use it
For understanding or for looking cool don't know maybe they think that these words are cause one of the guy told me that these words are just so cool lol
I am in market since 3-4 years and i am still holding my btc
When btc was at ATH i was making a huge profit but i know the potential of Bitcoin which is 10× then that and i will hold it till I don't think it's over (Btw that day will never come ) 😁
Very nice article, we definitely need more of this in the space. There are far too many people who have no problem shilling cryptocurrencies without educating people in what they're getting themselves into. Investing in crypto is certainly not for the faint of heart, but if they follow your advice, I think they will be very happy long-term. I think it's important to set investment goals and have a reasonable investment timeline before buying anything. Following through on this will create many winners in the cryptocurrency space. Cheers and thanks for the advice!
I think the number one must important mistake to avoid is.... Wait for it...
The mistake of NOT hodling. Always hold your crypto. Everything see to go up. We're in the beginning STILL. STILL. Everything is up.
The shell shocked people from 2018 are the most affected by these dips. I just keep thinking of all the people who have on ramped with Doge being their only asset. I just hope people learn from their mistakes during this dip, reposition, and HODL!
Bitcoin has been killed countless times already. This is just a hiccup, all will be back to normal soon enough. Accumulate as much as you can and keep on hodling.
This is just a momentary thing, eventually the market is going to make enough changes to make everything come back to normality.
Also, I would like to remember people not to risk all your life savings into just one thing (doesn’t matter if is a traditional business or crypto) and spect no risk.
Yeah, I think this is just momentary and it’s going to go back soon, but that doesn’t mean is all going to be secure and risk free.
Please, crypto is not just the easy way to make money, take that in consideration when you invest.
Bitcoin is still very solid
no reason to sell
Those who see it as the investment of the future continue to save already.
bitcoin in a great collection area for experienced professionals
let's never forget this
If you haven't entered the market in the last few months
You have never been damaged by the bitcoin you bought and held in your possession.