When you start out with an ideology as the basis for joining/participating in an undertaking, then it can only go sideways. As all ideologies, they are about belief. Cults are not born of things that are genuine and useful, they are born out of "believers". And, as the history of Christianity has shown, cults may start out with a seeming good idea, but the things that makes them grow are the same base motivations as anything: being uniquely chosen, unquestioning loyalty, unquestioning belief, and a savage view of those who are not believers.

Whoever Satoshi Nakamoto is, he/she/they knew that the magic elixir was:

1. Identify an evil-doer or system

2. Say what you're doing is way to fight evil

3. Offer tangible and intangible rewards for believing

As Jim Jones et al. have proven, this works sometimes too well.

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Hmm, so are you saying that cryptocurrency has evolved beyond the "cult" status that outsiders often label people in crypto? If so, I agree and think it's necessary to evolve beyond that ideological but think that the goal should still be to build a more equitable system.

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Hello Joe ;-)

No, I don't think it has entirely. Perhaps the declining volatility indicates something moving, but it's still hard to say what. You have the whales who can still wag the dog if they come together. And the promotion hordes haven't all gone away. However, the amount of fraud, hacking, and over-promotion have probably taken their toll.

My devout wish is that crypto just go away. BTC is still all proof-of-work and a giant waste. All these other bogus beliefs about blockchain should also go away: it will never scale and the bizarre belief that it is secure is finally being shredded.

My non-acceptance of crypto will never change, since it was born of those who don't understand that money is political. The only losers if crypto sticks around are the western liberal democracies: China bans it and profits off of a monopoly on the tech. Russia uses it to support ransonware and all sorts of other awful things on the dark web as well as promote the silliness of "decentralization" being a good thing: yes, if you live in an autocratic country or a poor country and you have the means to use it, you can steal and sell blood diamonds, etc. and pay off whoever you want... Otherwise, it's implication is you don't trust your government, which means always western liberal democracies.

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We crypto writers need to have many streams of income. Are you writing on Medium as a revenue stream? i'm just getting going there and I'd be keen to have you republish this story onto the DigitalCurrencyTraders Publication. I'd share your work on my twitter, on our Discord, on our LInkedin business page and into a crypto group on linkedin.

Time to diversify revenue streams in order to stay afloat

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Let's talk. Message me on Twitter @UNDRGRND_NFT

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