Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

I think the support funds enabled for EOS are important.

I hope these funds get a lot of support. your foundation

It's nice that the board and core team are making an effort to work in harmony.

I really liked the vision and mission of the foundation.

I find it right that trust funds are with traceable transparency.

We want the best for EOS.

Thanks for the article.

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Very good observations, transparency will be a key part of the EOS foundation it appears, it seems to me that they are taking it serious that they have community funds, in the likely EOS will rise and fall based on some of the decisions that they make, so I believe this is a very promising development, and I for one am very bullish on the future of EOS main-net, go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

You're so right. It's important to adapt to change.

We can see many examples of this in history.

For Example, Nokia. Nokia was the largest phone company of its time. But at the moment was not. The reason for this change didn't make up. He didn't pay enough attention to touch and smartphones. Because of this, it disappeared.

This extinction also exists in cryptocurrencies. There are already a lot of coins that have disappeared in the past.

EOS is good in this way. Like rubber. Technology and change attract itself wherever it goes. It will come to the fore a lot more in the future. That's why I love EOS.

Thanks for the article.

Have a nice day.

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Excellent points, and very good analogies, you're right, history is filled with examples of companies that did not adopt the change fast enough, and as a result they went extinct. EOS is most important quality is that it is adopting faster than its rivals, in a very real way by trying to crush us early on, our detractors only served to strengthen our community, and most importantly our resolve, because we have been through so much, we are now immunized against much of the unwarranted attacks that they throw at us. And no longer listened to they're unnecessary murmurings, the future looks very bright for EOS main-net, and it will be a pleasure to prove it to all our naysayers, when EOS rises to the top where it truly belongs, Go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

EOS has faced too many obstacles and opposition so far. So, has it disappeared? No, he developed himself by learning from these obstacles.

A community that aims to move humanity forward, not for money.

stay in Eos

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Yes indeed, our detractors have only served to make us stronger, and we will continue to move forward as a community, until we rise to the top where we truly belong, go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

Controversy and opposing views are important.

motivates you to do better.

I guess that's the wealth that eos has.

adapting to change and always aiming for the better.

The part in the article that draws your attention is the most important point for me as well.

It is a non-profit foundation, subject to all reporting practices, and most importantly, all financial transactions will take place on the blockchain.

this is the result of transparency and self-confidence.

eos is very successful in keeping up with development and change with the participation of stakeholders and the community.

stay in eos.

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Thank you very much for sharing your views, yes you are right even though we have been criticized, sometimes unfairly, we are still taking the right steps, to grow even stronger, and even more resilient in the future, time always tells the story and the end, and I have no doubt that this will most certainly be the case, for EOS main-net, go EOS!

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Criticism is very important in a project. When I do a job, I don't want to see people saying it's beautiful. I want more people to criticize me and show my mistakes.

EOS is very lucky in this respect. He's being mercilessly criticized. And it continues to evolve.

So he's learning from his mistakes. This is real development. I think it's more important than 300% at the grocery store.

Thanks for the nice post. I enjoyed reading.

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Thank you very much for your wise words, and thank you for sharing your point of view, yes criticism can be painful at times, but it is also necessary for real growth, and EOS has been nothing but criticized for several years now, sometimes fairly, and sometimes just outright FUD, either way, what does not kill us, only serves to make us stronger, and we most certainly are stronger today, then we were back then, go EOS!

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Together we will see. The power to adapt .

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

Trying to find alternatives to all existing problems, EOS is constantly renewed and reprograms itself in an adaptive way.

I think that thanks to such rapid updates, it has gained both trust and prestige in the eyes of people.

EOS will show people its true potential. I think it will peak in a few years or less.

Thanks for the article.

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Interesting points, thank you very much for sharing, it most certainly will move forward and will likely have much increased value in future, but ultimately only time will tell, I personally am very optimistic, in am very positive about the recent outcomes, this is exactly what needs to happen if we are going to have a strong and well leaded effective community. go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

eos gives confidence to the market with its work and overcoming obstacles, but it could not reach the desired value. It rose to $5.50 last week but dropped to $4.70 after a minor btc drop. I wonder if someone knows if there is a hidden eos whale can answer this.

I still wonder what will happen after the eos foundation is established. eos has always been on the side of innovation, I wouldn't be surprised if eos reaches large volumes one day.

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Yes, it is very strange, that is soon as EOS hits certain economic momentum, someone seems to come out of nowhere in crashes the price, or dampens the momentum. I have a personal theory about it, but no real facts to back it up, the short trading volume on EOS seems to be sometimes abnormally high on some exchanges, I suspect that this has much to do with it. I think there is price suppression happening, don't know why or who. But that's my personal suspicion about it, either way it will not matter, if momentum pushes prices up high enough, it will cause a cascade of short squeezes, and we will grow that much faster because of it, go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

EOS is making very reasonable and good strides, as I always say, it will be bullish for eos this year.

Thanks for the article.

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Very well said, yes time will tell the story, EOS main net learned the painful lessons of its past, and now is beginning to capitalize on its newfound knowledge, as the saying goes, what does not kill you, makes you stronger. And the EOS main-net community is most certainly stronger today than it was in the past, go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

im new to EOS and after reading this im excited how the future will look.

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Well welcome to the community, very happy this article had some positive effect on your outlook on EOS main net, thanks for sharing, Go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

EOS is heading in the right direction.

Very bullish times ahead.

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Indeed, very bullish times ahead indeed, time will tell the story, go EOS!

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Aug 29, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

It seems silly not to invest in EOS these days, it looks like it will make us smile in the future.

They work harder than most teams and I definitely think we should take our place in this climb with big goals.

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I could not agree with you more, it seems very silly that so many people FUD EOS for non-relevant issues, yet you have other chains out there with nothing to show for themselves, and yet still their tokens pump like crazy, it's very nonsensical, but I think it's important to remember that quality is not always recognized immediately by the masses, time always tells the story, go EOS!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

Taking the subject out of the argue whether considering the issue if it's centralized or not, I think the main focus here should be importance of leadership. With the support it has behind through community it is easy to build on and on. EOS would step up taking the steam behind and steadily move forward.

Thanks for the article and your interpretation for EOS and its updates.

Ps. I think how EOS Foundation implies to use eosio.grants is important, it would grant trust and devotion to the community.

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Yes I agree, excellent point, how one implies for the grant will be of significance importance, they should definitely want a balance between, not being too hard and cumbersome to the point where ordinary people can't apply, but at the same time not being too easy so it does not encourage scammers and spammers, we'll just have to see how everything plays out, time will surely tell the story, but I for one am very optimistic about the future of EOS main-net.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

Slowly but firm steps, leisurely. Bullish for EOS until the end of the year!!

Thank you for update and article.

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Thank you very much for your comment, yes, it's looking very bullish for EOS main net, time will surely tell the story.

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Aug 29, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

Amazing Article 🤩

Thanks CAB for this article

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Very happy you enjoyed my work, thank you very much for your comment, go EOS!

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

Funding is very important for projects. The EOS Foundation will also contribute directly to EOS in this and many other ways. We all love EOS and want its success. Stay in EOS!

Thanks for the article!

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Very good points, funding is crucial, and where the funding goes, is almost just as important, I believe we have the right man for the job currently, as long as he continues to move, in an effective and well orderly manner, I believe we will see significant economic growth for EOS main-net, in the coming months and years to come, go EOS!

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

My favorite bot is back at it! #EOS rules!

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Very happy you think so, EOS is most certainly taking the right steps, in the right direction, in time will surely favor our recent choices, go EOS!

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Crypto Apologist Bot

Everyone's favorite!

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