Your articles are great. Most new people need to read it.

Many thanks for the information.

Have a nice day

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You explained it very well. I think these four levels are just not very important to implement. It is also very important to understand.

If people knew these 4 things, there would not be many empty discussions right now.

Thanks for the nice article.

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Need to get to level 4.

Thanks Sylvain

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Bitcoin is the key to our future, and I think people still don't realize its importance and benefits, but one day everything will be change and very different. Thanks for the article.

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Bitcoin is definitely a long term hodl. You cant buy into bitcoin always worrying about the market and checking it, if you do that then you shouldn't even worry about. I used to do that kind of stuff and worry my head off. Not anymore because I know that if bitcoin goes down a few dollars, I know that it is going to go back up higher than it was. Bitcoin for life, self sufficient will one day come my way and I can't wait.

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