Trust, Don’t Verify – Do Not Buy Bitcoin if You Agree With Any of These 10 Statements
Reductio ad absurdum.
Bitcoiners have been saying for years that Bitcoin is essential for hedging against the flaws in the current monetary and financial system. While many did not believe us in the past, recent events keep proving us right. The COVID-19 pandemic that hit the world in 2020 has highlighted more than ever the original sin of the current monetary and financial system: the ability of central banks to print as much fiat money out of thin air as they see fit.
The year 2022 seems likely to highlight the intrinsic value of Bitcoin: Bitcoin is a global P2P payment system whose transactions cannot be censored. The events in Canada with the Freedom Convoy and now the war between Ukraine and Russia bring this to the forefront of the public eye.
Still, some people continue to criticize Bitcoin and don’t accept the obvious: we need Bitcoin for a better world in the future. One way or another, Bitcoin will have an essential role to play in the digital world of the future. But since some people are still doubting, I'll give them a demonstration by the absurd. It might help them understand why they need Bitcoin, or it might comfort them in their denial. Take your pick.
So here are 10 reasons why you shouldn't buy Bitcoin.
1. You are not afraid of inflation. You think inflation is great for the fruits of your labor.
Inflation doesn't scare you. Your purchasing power is melting like snow in the sun, and prices keep rising, but you don't feel the need to protect yourself. After all, you live in America, you are safe...
If you're in that frame of mind, that is, still stuck in the ignorance that the educational system has done everything to put you in, then you certainly won't understand why hard money like Bitcoin is essential. So you can move on.
2. You trust the Fed and other central banks to make good decisions for everyone.
The Fed acts for the good of the many. Similarly, all central banks want only the best for humanity. You honestly believe that a minority of central bankers who are not representative of the people are not trying to buy the whole world by printing more and more fiat money out of thin air and injecting more and more liquidity into the financial system.
You are blind, so it is obvious that Bitcoin seems like a bad thing to you. After all, there isn't even a CEO to blame if things go wrong. So you prefer to trust Jerome Powell.
3. You trust your government blindly.
We go from crisis to crisis, but it is a total coincidence. Our governments do everything to protect us, but it's really bad luck, everything goes wrong. We have just come out of the COVID-19 crisis, and just as we were about to enjoy a few months of happiness, a war breaks out at the gates of Europe. A war that will make it easier to obtain the consent of the people so that central banks can continue to print more money fiat out of thin air, and governments can continue to go into debt.
The US public debt has just passed $30T? That doesn't scare you. After all, the US dollar is the world's reserve currency. So you're safe...
4. You think wars are normal.
You think that wars are normal. It happens cyclically and that's the way it is, we can't help it. You think that money is the key to war, and that if we had hard money like Bitcoin at the center of the game, then countries would no longer have the capacity to finance wars ad infinitum. For you, the fact that fiat money can be printed in infinite quantities by the Fed and other central banks does not support the funding of wars and the arms race.
With this way of looking at things, you must surely find all Bitcoiners far-fetched when they tell you that hard money like Bitcoin that cannot be printed out of thin air will make it too expensive to finance wars, and will therefore limit them to a minimum.
In that case, you won't buy Bitcoin, because you won't understand what it can do as a weapon of peace.
5. You like coercion.
You think that the reason of the strongest is always the best. You think it is normal that the powerful at the head of the current system can censor you at any time if you do not act as they require. After all, they know better than you what is good for you...
Bitcoin gives you back the power to protect yourself from any kind of censorship. But you don't care about that, because you have absolute trust in the people who run you. You believe that these people will always make the best decisions for your interests.
If this is the case for you, just look at what is happening in Russia where Vladimir Putin decided to go to war with Ukraine when this is something that the Russian people did not want. The Russian people are now paying a high price for the consequences of Vladimir Putin's actions. Bitcoin is there to help those who want to protect their future.
6. You are for prosperity, but only for a tiny minority of humanity.
You want prosperity, but only for a tiny minority of humanity. The only thing that matters is that you are part of those who benefit the most from the current system. Whether this system is unfair or not does not matter to you. That this system is exclusive for tens of millions of people around the world is not something that moves you too much.
The fact that Bitcoin is a fair system that gives equal opportunities to everyone on Earth is not something that interests you. So you won't buy Bitcoin to reconcile your interests with those of the collective.
7. You like complexity, and you don't want to understand anything about how the current system works.
The Bitcoin system is described completely in just 3,219 words in the original white paper published by Satoshi Nakamoto. Many say that Bitcoin is too complex, but you only need to read these 3,219 words to discover the complete functioning of this open and transparent system.
Try to understand how the current monetary and financial system works to see ... You will have to read books over and over again. The most disappointing thing is that many will contradict themselves. The current system is far too complex, but that doesn't bother you because you don't want to understand how things work.
Your motto: “I trust, so I don't verify”. Bitcoin, which allows anyone to verify anything at any time to make up their version of the truth, which will then be reconciled with the majority's, is not for you.
8. You like opacity and the corruption it encourages.
You believe the powerful people at the head of the current system when they say that Bitcoin is a scam used only for illegal activities. Everything is transparent with Bitcoin, but you don't know that, because you don't check anything for yourself by sticking to your currency.
The banking system is anachronistic, due to its slowness, cost, and opacity, but it is something that makes you feel better. It encourages corruption, but that does not affect you. It has always been that way, and you see no reason to want to move towards something better for everyone.
9. You like cronyism.
The U.S. dollar promotes cronyism at all levels. People who take up important positions in the current monetary and financial system are not elected but appointed by friends or colleagues. The goal is to ensure that the system continues to evolve in the same way. No reformer will be able to access important positions in the current system. The risk would be too great that someone would want to change this unfair system.
If you benefit from the unfairness of this system, then you won't want to go to a decentralized and open system like Bitcoin. A system where every user has the same opportunities. You don't need any permission to participate in the Bitcoin revolution and take power over your life. It scares you, so you will stay away from this revolution.
It seems too dangerous to you that everyone has the same opportunities, especially if it means losing your unfair advantages in the current system.
10. You like chaos.
The current system promotes chaos. We go from crisis to crisis. The periods of calm are getting shorter and shorter. The debt-based system favors this constant chaos necessary for the powerful people of the current system to obtain the consent of the general public to keep it afloat. This means continuing to print more and more fiat money out of thin air even if it means jeopardizing the future of the next generations.
Bitcoin is a game-changer in this respect, but perhaps you are afraid to return to a more peaceful world without the constant need to manufacture a new crisis to scare the population.
Final Thoughts
If you find yourself in any of the 10 provocative statements I just made, then you should not buy Bitcoin. Otherwise, you need to ask yourself questions and seek to understand what is behind the current system. A debt-based system that benefits the few while it enslaves the vast majority of the world's inhabitants.
Bitcoin's goal is to help make the world a better place for the many. This is an ambitious goal, but one that is necessary to prevent the situation from getting any worse for humanity. Bitcoin won't solve all the problems, but by addressing the problem of money, the world will start moving in the right direction.
In Bitcoin We Trust
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It is very difficult not to fear external factors that may affect Bitcoin, but despite that, in the not too distant future, Bitcoin will have a very important role in the world economy.
This was a great read for me. You have so many valid points.
Starting woth the first one , inflation does not scare you.! Inflation scares me, I am not rich yet, not even close. Inflation keeps happening, especially since the pandemic hit. It seems ever since covid hit us, everything, everywhere has risen in price. It's insane!!! We are in a crisis, more and more people are losing there homes, getting evicted, losing there jobs, including myself. This pandemic has caused so much bad in this world and it is only getting worse. Inflation has risen and people have less money, way to go 🇺🇸. I lost my house a few months into the pandemic and me and my family have been severely struggling ever since. It feels like I'm 10 years older from the amount of stress that I have endured over the last year and a half.
If you trust your government. You are either working in government or you are blind. Sure they have given us tiny amounts of stimulus money, not nearly enough to do anything but put some overpriced food on the table. Government imo does not care about its people, they care about there own agendas, I live in America and it's only getting worse.
Bitcoin is needed now more than ever, I unfortunately had to sell off almost all of my bitcoin to get by over the last 8 months and it kills me that I had to do that. Thank God I had that, also thank God that it has risen since I bought it, or I don't know what would have happened. The current system put in place is terrible and bitcoin, if adopted by more and more of the population can change the lives of many, many people. Not having to depend on the tiny checks that takes the government 6 to 8 months to come to an agreement on sending out 1200 dollars to the people so they can spend it right back on what they really need like trying to catch up on their rent
Bitcoin can and will make the world a much better place, we just need the majority to believe and do a bit of reading to understand the differences in bitcoin and the current financial system.
Thanks for a great article.. Keep them coming!!
Peace ✌️ and Love ❤️ to all, especially to the people that may be struggling right now.