I like your persistence Joe - most people would've given up on getting a coherrent response a lot sooner. Discouraging construtive criticism and open dialogue will surely only be harmful for NG in the longer term.

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I'm too stubborn to give up. I'll give up when someone says I'm right. That'll never happen and I'll get distracted by something else I'm sure.

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Any press is good press doesn’t apply here; at least not to me. While I had never heard of or used NG and I still don’t plan to. One of the worst things a company can do is have bad representation from its employees or PR people. Miguel is the only one who seems to care and the rest of them just give NG a bad look. Hopefully you don’t stress too much.

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Could you imagine Kenny or Sean acting that way? If anything Sean has flipped people that were coming in hot and heated like me.

I’m sure they care about the success of the site. But, actually caring about individuals is a stretch.

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Speaking for the wrong is necessary many people don't wanna speak about that in the fear of the trolls or backlash by the community but there are some who fight for the Wrong and i am happy that you are the other one from our community to fight for the right to make the NG understand and accept it's mistake.

One should not look for their own profit being such a huge Marketplace in NFT btw they should think about to how to grow their marketplace with the support of the community and should also give back to community who believes and support you :D

"The most miserable people are those who only care about themselves, understand only their own troubles and see only their own perspective"

Said by Someone :)

(Everyone has their own thoughts i shared mine hope you will too :)

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Hopefully they're listening to their community, projects that listen keep growing!

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Love the article Joe. It's great to see some articles that come up that speaks for the problems of the Nifty community today. I like to think that a product or project is great depending on the perception of the community. When I mean this, I talk about every individual as a single opinion. When someone from your core has a problem, that problem shouldn't be dismissed. These problems should be addressed as a priority issue. This is what makes a strong community and a faithful one, too. It's great to see that you're using the platform as a way to speak your mind in whatever way you want. Definitely something we need in this fast growing community!

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Joe - Love that you're speaking your mind. Nifty Gateway has clearly gone to their heads and I'm glad that you're using your platform to talk about what you're passionate about!

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Interesting things I have observed on NG is also the exchange of high value NFTs 1/1s between members of the staff and certain collectors. Additionally the odds they post for the pack drawing were often falsely advertised as the artist had the right to reserve and distribute NFTs from their collection. Collectors are directly mislead I to thinking they have a chance at a high value 1/1, but often it's distributed internally. Not to mention bots and the infinite other problems that plague this site. I'm also amazed by the ones that will step up to defend the site when they have often lost 100s or thousands of dollars.

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I don't have all the details here, but NG's responses were all highly dismissive. Tommy has no business representing anything with that attitude. Tre is a deflector. Miguel is just trying best... I'm sure they all burned some sage to purge any residual bad vibes after banning you.

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