The crypto world is still very new and volatile, you must study a lot to be able to manage within it. I think there will never be experts in this area, only people with a lot of knowledge, it is almost impossible to know what the bitcoin movement will be.

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You can know what to do when the price is here or there but you can't know where the prices will go.... Great article

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Well done. Opinions are like A%%jokes everyone has one. It’s amazing how many guru/experts there are!

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Can you make an impact on crypto by self? - No! Well, maybe? Only if you have influence on other people but that certainly wouldn't count as mass if you aren't for example Elon.

One always should and ever go with the flow, so nothing would bother.

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Crypto is a very up-to-date field and a very good area where people can self-educate. You just need to spend time. Very good efficiency can be achieved with a computer. You don't necessarily need a professor. You can even train yourself the best yourself. I wish everyone good luck on this path.

Thanks for the nice article.

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We will change with crypto. We will change many things i believe.

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Everything can change at any moment, it is necessary to keep up with this change. Thank you for the article.

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Everyone has an opinion. Everyone is saying something. Although predictions are made, especially in crypto, no one knows for sure what will happen. While there are those who really try to help people, there are also bad guys. Information is very important, but the only way to get "correct" information is to strive to find it. Thanks for the article.

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There's always something new to learn every day in crypto. It's a very fast paced environment, you'll never get bored. Knowledge is out there, let's go get it.

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I find asking a lot of question to multiple people helps you find out what project are good and bad. But nothing beats doing your own research…..DYOR!

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Grate Article ,thanks.

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Looking for that 'expert' opinion I think is often shorthand for 'I can't be bothered to do the work myself and just want to be told what to do'. Unfortunately, there just isn't this golden oracle that some people seem to think exists. Even the best hedge fund managers and financial wizards have been completely wrong at some point. The key is not being right all the time though, it's about having a plan based on logic and then reacting to the outcome. The smartest people won't just blindly follow a path if they're wrong, they'll acknowledge the error in judgement in move on! By all means, learn from people but blindly following a purported 'expert' may not be the best idea....

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Well that was a great way to say it lol. They say that it takes 10k hours to become an expert in a field that you may be studying or working in, or whatever. That's approximately 10 years, so like you have said, the people that we may be following or listening to for advice in crypto has probably only been doing this for a few years at best. I'm sure there's a few experts out there but again like you said they are probably buried in algorithms so the chance of them popping up in your feed is going to be slim. Let's give it a few more years maybe, before we can start calling some if these people experts or whatever. Unless you have been studying and following crypto since the early 2000s then most if us are hardly experts. I'm not saying there is none, I'm sure there is. Great article, keep them coming.

Peace and Love to all of you out there.

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Really an excellent summary of how the crypto space is and opening for a trip down the rabbit hole.

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