What is Warsaken?
Warsaken is a game-first NFT project that the team started building years ago. This means Warsaken was engineered well before NFTs exploded onto the scene, and was done so with the gameplay experience in mind.
It was only after the gameplay was optimized that it became apparent NFTs would dramatically enhance and compliment the user experience. This gameplay-first philosophy has influenced everything the Warsaken team has done on their project, and will propel the project forward by keeping the play-to-earn tokenomics healthy (see ‘Play To Earn’ below for further details).
This extensively play-tested game is well and truly ready for market and features 268 different cards in the first set - ‘Genesis of Conflict’ - each with different mechanics, resulting in endless exciting options for strategic deck-building.
Initially, Warsaken NFTs will come in 11 rarities, and pack sales will launch on 15 December 2021, with the physical card game close behind in 2022.
Play To Earn
You can earn XP and Warsaken Loot by holding NFTs from Warsaken and their Allies (collaborating NFT projects). You can also earn XP by playing and winning games, starting in March.
While you can play using the Warsaken NFTs you own, you can also play using the Warsaken Ultimate Subscription which allows you to play the game with any of the standard or common cards. Playing with cards you own however, will give you more XP than playing with cards from the Ultimate Subscription
A major goal of the Warsaken Team, from the very day they first began planning their NFT strategy, was to create a system in which everyone can play, and nobody is excluded. This explains why they will also be offering a subscription service - it’s pre-planning in case their NFTs become too rare to build decks, or if someone isn't interested in buying packs or hitting the secondary market to collect cards, the Warsaken Ultimate Subscription will allow any user to play with the entire set of common cards, and even earn XP through gameplay at a monthly charge that is less than the cost of a Warsaken card pack.
The Warsaken Loot Store will have a variety of items to spend earned Loot on. These include Loot Packs (which will contain some of their rarest NFTs), raffle tickets, in-game effects, Warsaken Unlimited Subscriptions, and more.
Play Modes
There are three play-modes already developed and currently being built for digital play. These are;
Warsaken Blitz, and;
Cabal mode.
Warsaken Blitz will be out in March and the full game will follow 6-8 months later.
The Cabal mode is single player, with increasing difficulty at each level.
Gameplay Basics
These are the basic elements of Warsaken gameplay:
To begin the game you must hold the following cards;
1x Leader,
4x Territories, and;
a total of 60x cards in your arsenal (deck).
The goal is to take out the opponent’s Leader, but you can’t attack a Leader until;
all 4x territories are eliminated, or;
the opponent’s Morale is down to zero, or;
the opponent has no more cards in their deck.
A game takes about 30 minutes and is conducted via the Warsaken website.
Warsaken Blitz is built on the same basic rules, but rather than using the mechanics on each card, you match cards, and the card type determines the results. Blitz games last about 10 minutes.
Play modes work the same for digital and physical play.
The Warsaken Lore
Warsaken has an extensive lore that players can enjoy while discovering the Warsaken Universe.
In addition, there is an Amazon Alexa ‘Skill’ (the Amazon equivalent of an App) called ‘Volkov’s Escape’. This is a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ story that the user can interact with using voice commands. If you have an Alexa at home you should give it a whirl.
Each of the 14 Leaders has an enticing biography and backstory (you can access these at your leisure here).
Warsaken has also recently collaborated with NFT Story Cards to tell the story of a mission executed by one of their Leaders. This is particularly cool as the tale recounted is based on a true story.
It will be worth keeping an eye on this space as the team has a lot planned here in the future.

Wen drop?
The initial pack sale is December 15th at 3pm PST at Warsaken.cards.
Packs will be sold for $WAX only (no fiat). Contents and prices can be found here.
Monthly pack sales and Loot Pack sales (available only for Loot) will start in February.
Meanwhile, Warsaken also does loads of giveaways on their Discord server every day, and as a result you can find Black Camo NFTs and other Warsaken Promo cards on the Atomic Hub secondary market now.
How staking?
Staking of Warsaken NFTs will go live a few days after the ability to open packs goes live (I’m told this will be on or before 22 December 2021). In addition to their own cards, Warsaken currently has 18 ‘Allied’ collections that will also yield XP.
While the date at which staking will go live is still unconfirmed (I’m told it will be on or before 5 January 2021 for Warsaken assets, and approximately 45 days later for Allied assets), it’s been communicated to the community that you’ll need to have at least one ‘Premium’ Warsaken NFT in your wallet to earn XP for Allied collections (every pack will contain at least one Premium NFT).
Staking weights will be up to each individual Allied Project and may significantly vary from project to project, but the pro tip to gain maximum XP with your Warsaken assets is to ensure you upgrade your Warsaken NFTs using the “1st Wave Upgrade Cards”, if you are lucky enough to have acquired one.
Each eligible NFT, whether from the Warsaken collection or an Allied project, will earn XP, and total XP earned by each player will determine their Rank. You can see a table of XP and Rank here.
As mentioned, to earn XP you will need at least one Premium Warsaken NFT, which can be found in any pack.
From there, you will choose one of 14 Leaders to pledge loyalty to, with each of these Leaders giving you a bonus of some kind (i.e. extra XP for Intel NFTs, or multipliers for Ninjas, etc.).
The rewards of staking – ‘Loot’ – will be claimable daily, however any unclaimed Loot will not roll over to the next day.
Users will be pleased to know that their NFTs will not leave their wallets. Rather, the Warsaken system will scan the wallets of anyone who has ‘pledged’ a Premium NFT, and award XP for any eligible NFT that has been in the applicable wallet for at least 24 hours.
The Cryptowriter Connection
Writer was chosen as one of the winners of the Allies of Warsaken tournament which happily means that Writer NFTs will be eligible to earn XP.
And since Writer finished in 1st place, by a huge margin, Writer NFTs will have the largest relative pool. This means that Writer NFTs will be eligible for XP under the same mechanics as Warsaken NFTs (though Warsaken assets will earn more XP in general.)
Again, (and sorry for repeating this), It’s important to note that a premium Warsaken NFT will be required in order to earn XP for Ally NFTs.
The amount of XP earned per asset will depend on the levels set by each Allied collection.
Each Ally will receive a pool and will slot their NFTs into Ranks from 1 to 5, with Rank 5 receiving 600x the staking value of Rank 1.
The Warsaken team is finalizing details regarding Allied staking and will be working with Allied collections to finalize arrangements in the coming weeks.

Copyright - Warsaken is the copyright of 2021 Eclectic Nerds™. All rights are reserved. Characters' distinctive likeness, art, and all trademarks including the names and logos of Eclectic Nerds™ and Warsaken® are property of Eclectic Nerds LLC.
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Thanks for such a complete article Brendan.
Warsaken promises to be one of the best play-to-earn games in the world; A variety of NFTs with wonderful artwork, a game mechanic that always allows you to change the strategy and have fun; and the benefit of LOOT staking; just an amazing and complete game!
This looks awesome, I love that the NFT card story is based on a true event!