I don't think DeFi and NFT run is over yet, but I was also thinking what would be the third thing that would get attention of people.

I will give you credits on multi-chain linkage, it makes a lot of sense. It's definetely a problem that we cannot switch between certain networks, which make us lose time and money to make transfers from chain to platform and platform to another chain again.

I'm lack of technical knowledge, but I think it's possible to build a huge network that connects everything together. I have seen several projects that make bridge between networks (apart from the ones mentioned in article), but it was only at fundamental level.

I'm supporting a DeFi project that has a goal to have multi-chain for at least 4 networks, I hope they and other projects will succeed on this.

Thank you for the article! Waiting for the next multi-chain article.

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I think this is the best article I've ever read on this page.

there are many networks, some fast, some slow, some expensive, but I wish they all came together to form one network, the real thing here is blockchain, I always say, blockchain is a much more important event than crypto. blockchain is our future

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That would be dangerous decentralisation though, better to have many networks than one big one

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Transfer is a great thing. Sometimes I'm so sorry I don't have it. The NFT is also something that is particularly necessary. Is very important to me. As you say, opportunities are fleeing. I don't want to miss them. I guess it's hard to accomplish a job like this. I hope your nearest post is to write something like this.

Thanks for the article.

Have a nice day.

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Inter-network communication is decidedly important. Otherwise, we cannot evaluate opportunities such as the examples given in the article. That's where the bridges come in. And it matters a lot. But I think better solutions can be found.

I don't understand the technical engineering of this job. But my dream is that all networks and units are both independent and dependent. For example, Ethereum will be inside the X network. At the same time, the units with the lowest trading volume will even be included in the nft. Everything is a single swap.

But that's not going to make any unit dependent. All of them are free and will work as they please. So he won't rule them. He'll unite them. I think it's possible what I'm talking about. I'm sure there'll be better ones. Technology always amazes me.

Thanks for the nice post. Good reading

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a suitable bridge center solution comes to mind extremely well. If they can provide the link between all networks, it will be very successful and usable. It saves time and money.

Thank you very much Ruma Das for the informative article.

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Looking forward to hearing more about these bridge solutions, good quick read, thank you!

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Interoperability between blockchains is important, but there's different use cases and not all are compatible with each other.

It's gonna be interesting to see the bridges and solutions that come up in the future.

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There is some sort of inconvenience in every type of field and it's in Crypto World too and building a system between two Different Chains ( System = Bridge ) can lead us to solve the problem at the transaction between two different chains and i believe in future the Multi Chain technology will be more frequently use and it's some sort of easy for the project too ;)

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Combining different technologies into one bridge would be really cool and make everything easier.

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A solution to the difficulties in transfers is urgently needed.

Bridge protocols should be developed more and save users the hassle

Thanks to Ruma for this nice article.

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I dunno what's next, I can barely keep up with "what is". One thing I'm hopeful for is Product NFT's. Actual furniture or electronic, backed/sold by Amazon (or something similar, Alibaba, Aliexpress), with a warranty on the back. Never lose it, deteriorate it etc. You will see the lifetime of the items, Who owned it before etc

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Another great article Ruma! Thanks!

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I can see that we do all our transactions on the blockchain so that everything will be done faster in the future.

This will significantly reduce time wastage and allow us to get things done quickly without queuing.

I love and support the blockchain, which we will see everywhere in our lives in the future.

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Agreed , That's how you know we are super early. Some day they will all talk to each other and swap between seamlessly. The countries of the world all invent their own currencies and monetary systems that don't transfer easily , quickly , cheaply or seamlessly either so all bridges , tunnels and silos built right now is building a better infrastructure for the future.

I do see a problem though with things like ... there being 5000 finney on WAX and 5000 Finney on EOS ... You can't Ever really move any from one chain to another because it makes the contract a lie and would create unbalance in rarities but I can totally imagine an NFT20 style LP on both chains where you could deposit a finney (or whatever token from whatever cross chain collection) and get LP tokens in exchange that you could use to take a Finney of equal "Staking" value from a pool on another chain. That would preserve balance

All these things will be figured out in time , We are the Dreamers and Architects of our own future

Thanks for this article to stimulate the mind

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Cross-chain transfer and handling of various transactions through a single thing.

A very well thought out project.

Blockchains are slowly starting to enter our lives.

Seeing these after Korea's important step

makes me even more excited.

It's fun to watch blockchain work everywhere and see it bring convenience to people in various fields.

Thanks for the article.

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The idea of ​​combining different technologies in one place is really clever, I love it.

It will save us many things.

It was a pleasure to read thanks for the article.

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