It was an article to read, considering several aspects... Thank you!

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Still definitely very early in terms of regulatory development. The toughest part at the most is just keeping track of how each government is handling it - talk about confusing!

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try to make "legal" the BTC is like to try to control the coins, can beccause you can ban some practices or some people, and we will go back to a goverment control of the ussage of the coin. So, not nice

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This is a technology that can be pulled everywhere, everyone uses it for their own benefit, thank you for the article.

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Legal or illegal. İ am confused. İ dont think illegal will process. Bitcoin will legal everywhere because decentralization is very important think in blockchain. Main idea for me. İ hope we not call illegal in future.

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We're in for a wild ride. As crypto adoption grows we'll see how governments struggle to keep up and try to regulate it. It is inevitable.

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Governments are going to create regulations on Bitcoin and all its surroundings, I think this will bring discontent among the people who are in this world

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Crypto evolves, grows and changes. Everyone has an opinion, including governments. Time shows everything. Thanks for the article!

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Very interesting to see the for and against for bitcoin. feels the against countries will need to turn for or risk some big loss by turning against bitcoin. very interesting.

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