DAPP Network dual liquidity mining starts October 19th at 17:00 Hong Kong Time (or 9AM UTC). DAPP and EOS token holders can provide DAPP-EOS liquidity on Defibox to earn LP rewards. DAPP rewards will last for 60 days. And Defibox will provide additional rewards in BOX tokens for a limited time.
If you want to earn high yields in DAPP and BOX tokens, you’ll need to provide DAPP-EOS liquidity through Defibox. LPs will earn yield in DAPP tokens during the 60-day mining event. Defibox agreed to match DAPP rewards in BOX tokens at the onset of this event. The earlier you provide liquidity, the more rewards you’ll stack over the next two months.

DAPP Yield Opportunities
There’s many other ways to earn yield with DAPP tokens. You can easily stake your DAPP tokens to a DSP. One of the highest yield-producing DSPs right now is dadgoverndsp. This DSP is run by DAPP Account DAO.
DAPP holders will stake their tokens through either website listed below:
DAPP Account DAO pays DSP rewards of nearly 7% to DAPP stakers.
DSP Portals for Staking
DPS Portals allow DAPP token holders to stake in return for yield. Here’s a video walkthrough on how to use the DSP Portals: Stake-DAPP Video.
Top DSP Portals Listed Below:
There’s also a great article dedicated to DAPP staking rewards: Stake-DAPP Article.
DAPP Airdrops
DAPP tokens will become part of future airdrops to DAD stakers! You can stake DAD tokens to earn yield by visiting ecurve.finance. This product is built on DAPP Network technology. And the two projects are very intertwined.

DAPP Governance: Proposal 12 - Defibox Liquidity Mining Program
This proposal requested 1-million DAPP of community funds as liquidity mining rewards for a 60-day liquidity mining program on Defibox. The 1-million DAPP were transferred from dappgovfunds account to candy.defi. These funds will result in more liquidity on Defibox and incentivize arbitrage opportunities between Bancor’s DAPP liquidity pool. And this initiative results in more fees to liquidity providers.
There’s limited slots in the Bancor LP. Many people missed the opportunity to get into the DAPP LP on Bancor. Now it’s a good opportunity for those with DAPP on EOS to earn yield by providing DAPP-EOS liquidity to Defibox.
The DAPP liquidity pool on Bancor is waiting for a completed audit before distributing rewards back to LPs.
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I think farm and stake are very important in this market. Considering crypto as a human being, I think it's a vital organ.
If there is a full-fledged project and we want to make it sustainable, there should be varieties of farm and stake. This makes the project more efficient and sustainable.
It also looks like a nice stake and farm here. I don't usually do LP farming. I prefer stakes. But profit rates are usually higher. This is a matter of preference.
I also see in the article that a very diverse system has been made. This will be good for people. Anyone who wants to will evaluate it the way they want.
Thanks for the nice article and information.
I really like lp farms. I benefit both myself and people.
Besides, as a believer in blockchain, I consider it necessary.
The closer the decentralization is, the better.
Thank you for passing on this opportunity to us.
Have a nice day.