Thank you for keeping me up to date on all things EOS <3 I Love to see EOS starter growing and My favorite EOS NFT CryptoFinney coming to ETH !!! I see a bright future for this amazing cross chain community

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Another great week. Thank you for the update!

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It is indeed a good week for EOS, WAX and Finney. Thanks for the weekly!

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I'm waiting on these EOS Weekly update like a fiend. Thanks Marco!

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Thanks for update. Uplift, in my opinion, did not succeed. I guess it won't be. There's something missing, but I don't know what it is.

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Thanks for the update.

I still don't know what that surprise NFT from the uplift is for, but I'm excited to find out soon.

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Always an information-packed EOS article! A good way to be kept informed so you do not miss anything in the EOS space.

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