Great read. I didn't know very much about EOS before I joined this community but now I have been getting heavy into it because I have (thanks to all of you) been able to see the massssssiiiivvveeeee future growth potential that is about to be unleashed. I think we are in for a wild ride (that we are in the beginning of now) and that the future is bright! Looking forward to voice, more posts, and..... you got any of them Finny Coinssss?

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Looking forward to the release of Voice. Lots of interesting stuff going on with EOS

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Everything is on fire !

But I’m happy for people working on green crypto and writer being amazing like always !!!

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The beta release of VOICE will be interesting to follow. I thought this release was still months away.....Does this mean Bullish is just around the corner too?

Cram packed with info..... Thanks!

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Thank you for the updates, I hadn't herd about VOICE until reading this post!

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The #fiending4finney contest was such a good idea. Looking forward to seeing the results! I wonder if a similar contest with a different character would be as successful... I don't think it would be.

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Lots to digest here, really loving the community-wide updates on topics that I didn't know much about before. I really like how cryptowriter is changing the game with their engagement rewards. I think it really rewards the average person who may otherwise be discouraged in trying to compete with more "influential" people who have more twitter followers (the traditional model for rewarding users). I think cryptowriter realizes that there is far more retention and adoption when the average person shares things with their friends and family (trust and familiarity) as compared to an influencer sending out blanket tweets to their followers. This sort of "guerilla marketing" has created organic growth to the cryptowriter brand (ie. people who will stick around), which we can see with the huge demand of Finney coins and growth in the cryptowriter Telegram page of new, interested folks.

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