Throughout history, humans have been obsessed with Mars. The imaginary inhabitants of the red planet have captured our imagination for ages. A Trip to Mars (1910) was one of the first Mars mission movies. A professor discovered two strange powders and created a form of anti-gravity product in the movie. While making the powder demonstration, some amount spilled on his body accidentally and sent him on a trip to Mars. Adventure to the mysterious planet has been a favourite theme for the game developers too. R-Planet, a newly launched Mars colonization game, has come up with an innovative format.
The growing popularity of cryptocurrency has pushed blockchain into the mainstream. The NFT (non-fungible token) market is a billion-dollar industry now, and it has caught the attention of artists and collectors worldwide. Blockchain games also have found enthusiastic participation among gamers. These games are using some aspects of cryptographic blockchain technology. The in-game assets are the NFTs that can trade on the open market in a permissionless manner. Thanks to blockchain technology, in-game digital ownership has now become a reality.
R-Planet is a browser game that runs on the WAX blockchain and leverages NFTs to mine AETHER, the game’s native token. R-Planet has propelled its way to the top of the NFT sales volume leaderboard by taking a community-driven approach and outpacing commercial brands like the NBA Top Shot and Ethereum phenom CryptoPunks.
“After a successful evacuation from Earth, our heroes aboard spacecraft "MARS SHIP" head to the red planet. To prepare the planet for colonization, they created a generator of elements. Now they must create as many items as possible. Explore, mix, invent! Every attempt brings us closer to salvation!” – R-Planet’s mission from its website.
R-Planet on-chain activity from DappRadar
R-Planet allows you to stake your unused NFTs and take part in a lot of activities. NFT staking gives you passive income in AETHER, the in-game currency. The game is ranked number three in the game category of DappRadar and the user base has grown exponentially since February 2021. R-Planet claims to be the first multi-project NFT DeFi system. The game is a bit similar to Little Alchemy, but blockchain technology takes it to new heights.
Four basic elements are needed to play the game - wind, earth, fire, and water. You need to combine the four elements in the generator to create something new. The new item can be used for further exploration. If you become the inventor of a new element, you get attractive prizes. There are 36 different types of NFT cards in the game, and these cards help improve mining efficiency. There are three phases of the game – Evacuation, Colonization, and Conquest.
The diagrammatic flow of the game - from the R-Planet website
R-Planet staking page shows staking options for many popular WAX NFTs – Alien Worlds, Tribal Books, Bitcoin Origins, KOLOBOK, Kogs, etc., and obviously the native NFTs of R-Planet. Different NFTs have different yield mining weights. If you don’t have the listed NFTs, you can purchase them on AtomicHub. To mine AETHER very actively, some mining tools are needed (not compulsory). R-Planet's official market on Atomic Hub enlists many such tools. The NFT mining rigs are selling like hotcakes there. These cards act as highly efficient tools for mining AETHER in the game.
Alien Worlds created a hoopla with its land sales sometimes back. R-Planet lands are also selling at a high price now. The in-game currency AETHER can be traded on ALCOR Exchange. AETHER is a base pair for trading many tokens on ALCOR and TLM / AETHER is really on fire.
R-Planet lands on sale – from Atomic Hub (prices in lowest-highest order)
R-Planet is getting rave reviews from users all over the world. The players are collaborating with each other to make new elements for making their mission successful. The ‘Conquest’ phase will deliver hostile enemies and the players want to prepare a rock-solid game strategy in advance. The active user base is helping R-Planet to market the game efficiently. The blockchain natives always love to form tribes and community building has been a key driving force of blockchain technology. R-planet is offering DeFi, NFTs, suspense, story, and a bit of probability – the mix is really catchy. The success of Alien Worlds has brought a lot of new users to the Wax blockchain and R-Planet is gearing up to reap the benefits.
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Been having a great time prepping for evaction. I'm with @cuanheato - Wecan Stake Finney now?
Wen Finney staking?