As an outsider I didn't know about the servers and their functions, except Upluft and Genesis. Thank you for providing such info, I took my time reading this article. I enjoyed it a lot. Especially the Shift City!!

Shift City has a well-thought design, which significantly amazed me, I really like how it looks by night. On the other hand, the art and artists in the Genesis world deserve a toast, yet I believe everyone's favourite design is the city where Finney lives.

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When I was in high school, I used to play Minecraft all the time with my friends. That's why I'm familiar with creative and survival modes. I had the opportunity to play the game in many ways and on different servers. Those were great times.

I didn't know exactly what Uplift does or how it works. I even bought the Uplift miner pack. :D

Shift City's design is electrifying! It is obvious that there was a magnificent workmanship and effort in its construction. Design is everywhere. As a designer I am happy to see such things. I wish Shift City was real! :P

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I've never had a chance to play this game before.

As far as I can see from the videos, I saw that it has a very entertaining and creative aspect.

After reading this article I want to play this game right now and especially look at Shit City.

This will be a good experience for me.

As soon as possible

I'm thinking of buying an Uplift plot.

I hope I can do this.

Thanks for the article, it was a pleasure to read.

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You should definitely try it. And find a Playmate. I'm sure you won't understand what the morning was like. Have fun.

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If I buy a piece of land, I'll definitely add you. The game is more fun than you think. I've been playing for a long time and it's really great. I hope you get a chance soon.

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Very nice perspective of the different servers. Thank you.

Exploring and building in Genesis got me into the Uplift World. After some time I became adventurous enough to venture into the survival servers. It has been amazing watching this new virtual world grow up over the last few months.

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great article

It was a nice trip in the world of uplift.

shift city looks extraordinarily beautiful.

I could wander there for hours.

please keep writing uplift articles

Thank you for this great article.

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What I see. These are awesome. I like to play the game. I used to spend most of my day playing games. I want to play a lot of minecraft right now. But I have an obstacle. I work a job. Most of my day is spent outside and I don't have time to play games.

But these look amazing. It's not just minecraft. Improved. Survival mod is my favorite. Fighting for survival is awesome. Creative mode speaks to creativity. I'm afraid I don't have many. I'm building a house and I'm bored. But it's a great pleasure to fight with your friend in survival mode.

I hope I'll join as soon as possible. It looks very enjoyable. You guys have fun. I don't think you're a noob anymore. I think you're a master.

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My childhood game minecraft. It is integrated with the blockchain.

It is a well-equipped article for those who are curious and research about Uplift's project. Shift city is extraordinarily beautiful. Everything is perfect and stunning.

Thanks Marco for keeping us updated.

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Wonderful. Enough and a good explanation for someone who is curious about Uplift servers.

Personally, I love Minecraft.

It's great to be able to make structures that seem impossible, especially when you're playing Survival and trying to finish the game. Everything is frame by frame but very high quality.

I'm afraid I can't stand by the computer as much as I used to. But if I can get a chance to play, I'll get an land.

Thanks for the article.

Have a nice day.

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I used to play minecraft for hours as a kid and I don't regret it. It had a great influence on the development of my imagination.

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Best explanation on Uplift World and Minecraft i have seen till the date !!

Hat's off to your Work Marco

I can't express my feeling in these words

I played Minecraft many years ago and never tried to play it again cause of some time issue but after reading your Article i am downloading Minecraft Back to have some fun this weekend :)

Just ...

Thanks 🙏❤️❤️❤️

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The merger of the gaming industry and crypto made me very happy

Some friends in the comments said they're going back to playing minecraft. what can i say i was planning to play tonight

If I'm not mistaken, you wrote another article about the uplift last week. I entered atomichub and nft prices have changed a lot in a week. I mean, if uplift manages to sign with minecraft, this business will get a lot bigger.

Buy an island and a rail key before this train escapes.

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Minecraft is a great fun game, Shift City looks really awesome,I prefer the survival genre when I play, it comes more challenging and fun to me.

Thanks for the article.

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Thanks for the info. It really helps to understand how the Uplift works and all the parts involved.

Shift City is amazing!!!

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Combining Gaming and Crypto makes work even more fun as a minecraft addict I loved it.

This got me excited so now I'm going to call a few friends and play minecraft.

And I also liked your explanation, you explained all the details beautifully without skipping.

Thanks for the article.

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Shift city looks enormous and it's exciting to walk around and interact with people.

Thanks for the article.

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I'm the worst Minecraft player but It's been a magical experience anyway.

I'm glad to be owning a small plot on Uplift...

...Actually the only property I own is on Uplift... and I'm thankful!

I have yet to meet all my buddies in Shift City!

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