This all seems like magic. Anything can and will happen. For me it's best to HODL and not panic

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I think there hasn‘t been more differential analytics for an asset than for bitcoin in these past years. Ranging from back to 3k within a couple weeks to crashing 250k within the year cycle.

And they crazy thing is...not one of these is impossible. Like you mentioned we have seen some crazy ups and downs within a very short time and btc is never shy to impress.

I remember the voices after the last run and then hitting 3k bottom again...loud voice about the burst bubble, btc being dead and people loosing their livesavings.

Well its often the same people who don‘t believe and fomo at top only following green candles.

But if you believe and hodl you are good! Leave your wallet, forget about it for a couple years...like you said 1 btc (of a 21m hard cap) is still 1 btc (of a 21m hard cap) in a couple years!

Continue to stack sats! Thats the best advice...

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Ok I am reading so much here that I start mixing up...the 1 btc = 1 btc reference was is the other article. But still its an universal fact ;)

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Loving the platform and the direction this project is heading! I can't wait to see how close we (Finney supporters) get to the moon! If you haven't already got yourself a HARD COPY of the Cryptowriter Volume 1, you're missing out! 🔥🚀🌕 Thank you to Sean, Kenny and everybody @ Cryptowriter! 😁

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I sometimes enjoy seeing what people think the price of BTC will be in the future but honestly it's getting crazy. It seems every day YouTubers jump on making a video of a "new" price target. I feel people just need to relax and stop trying to predict the future. There are ways for sure you can anticipate ups and downs but at the end of the day they don't know what's coming. Everything could be fine and something either good or bad comes out derailing your analysis. I just like to HODL myself.

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