Pomelo and Cryptology brought in more financial resources. Voice established a residency for NFT artists. ChangeNOW draws in more excitement. Playing the Blankos update demonstrates more than a makeover. Skip to the end of the headlines to read the B1 Wire, about EOS, and the Finney Report. And oh yeah, the EOS mainnent turned three!
Pomelo Crowdfunding Comes to EOS
Have you heard? Bullish (exchange), EdenOS (governance), and Voice (NFTs), all alpha stage projects committed to taking EOS even further. Pomelo? Another crowdfunding resource to complement EdenOS should provide even more lift for dedicated community members. Pomelo is an open source approach towards crowdfunding. Mark Bailey covered Pomelo's “democratized crowdfunding’ and its Gitcoin inspiration in an article for Cryptowriter. EOS Nation CEO, Daniel Keys, expressed the team's excitement over the new project.
“Our new product team has been having so much fun with this...”
Voice Residency
Recognition of creators throughout history has not often been timely. Voice’s NFT Residency hopes to change the paradigm. ‘Raise Our Voice’ leverages the minting of NFTs for emerging creators. This comes at a time when NFTs grabbed the media attention and artists struggle to stake a claim. Voice CEO, Salah Zalatimo, emphasized how NFTs can complete the internet by supporting the concept of 1,000 True Fans:
“NFTs help us fulfill the promise of the internet, where every creator can find their 1,000 true fans.”
William Anderson, VP of Engineering, expressed the timeliness of Voice’s efforts:
“We live at a pivotal point in history for what ownership and authorship mean,”
Baylee Mozjesik conducted a residency interview with Chad Knight to discuss The Future of Art. Kimberly Drew and several others are mentioned in the residency article, along with links to their expression.
Christian Angermayer, founder of Apeiron Investment Group, introduced the Cryptology Asset Group. Christian announced Cryptology’s $100 million investment strategy to support new crypto ventures. This is important for the EOS ecosystem as illustrated by this blog post:
“...Cryptology offers indirect participation in iconic crypto giant Block.one, the publishers of EOSIO, and their newly announced exchange, BULLISH.”
As big as Block.one is within the crypto space, it’s confronted by substantial challenges when paired against traditional markets. Cryptology seeks to strengthen its crypto portfolio with B1 projects in mind. This puts another organization in the spotlight in support of taking that next crucial step. For those wondering how committed, here’s a quote from Cryptology’s homepage:
“Blockchain and crypto currencies will reshape finance just as the internet did communication.” – Mike Novogratz
If you scroll down, you’ll notice that B1 tops its portfolio.
Limitless: ChangeNOW Touts EOS OVER Ethereum
EOSEden tweeted about ChangeNOW’s mention of EOS as:
"Lightning-fast and free to use #EOS."
ChangeNOW offers instant crypto exchanges with support for over 200 coins (according to its blog). Accounts are free with a focus on speed and security. EOS makes the app possible. A recent blog article, “Lightning-fast and free to use. Discover EOS…”, outlined why ChangeNOW believes EOS is the best solution. Ethereum is re-imagined as being ‘free of fees’. ChangeNOW also points out that even Ethereum knows it must shift direction as a new version of the #2 blockchain is in the works. Much of the rest of ChangeNOW’s post appears geared toward onboarding new EOS users.
Playing the Blankos Update
The much anticipated Blankos update was introduced last week. Experienced players may initially feel as though they’re in blockparty. The tutorial thrusts players into the gameplay before ever finding the hub. Once there, the landscape is surprisingly less to look at than before. Fortunately, you quickly find out how to unlock realms. More quests, more features, and many ideas still to manifest, Blankos Block Party does not disappoint. It’s as much about creativity as game-play. There’s a clear, dedicated passion behind what the team hopes to accomplish. Add to this possibly the first mainstream quality game with meaningful NFTs, and the hype is proved well attributed. Blankos has also been rumored to become a console game- Amazing! Note that this was initially an EOS project, but may no longer directly impact the community if NFTs only sell on Ethereum. Still, Mythical warrant attention considering, as rektkid put it:
How many NFT projects do you know hiring for an economist?
EOS Third Birthday: Action, Action, We Got Action
How is EOS celebrating turning 3? Glancing over this week’s preceding headlines, one gets a sense of ACTION. From funding ventures like EdenOS, B1 and Cryptology to a major Blankos update and the stir around Uplift. For individual NFT collectors, there’s R-Planet, Bitverse, Upland and CryptoFinney (actually tradable for EOS). While EOS NFTs remain in WAX’s shadow, there is a lot of momentum gains. Visit my effort to chart active EOS NFT projects from last week if you’re not convinced. Turning 3 didn’t rock the community as past birthdays have. EdenOS’ portrayed the mood:
3 years has passed for #EOS...18 minutes are worth spending to watch this video again: "EOS 1st Birthday Celebration!"
There’s also a timeline compiled by EOS Nation looking back on EOS’s second birthday. Overwhelming community activity seems the better gift than a celebratory pizza party, at least at this point.
Block.one Wire
Some tidbits and calls to action from B1’s sphere of influence:
More from the Google Cloud and B1 collab
Finfluencers connect people with the financial strategy they need
EOSIO 2.1 improves on-chain data stores management and simplifies app development
About adding to the community developer tools list
GenerEOS and B1 moving towards staked-based voting and rewards
Around EdenOS Community(s)
Chris Barnes shouted out a Go EOS and invited the community to view his membership NFT now that he’s an official Eden on EOS member. If you're just tuning in, Chris won the first Alpha test election. He was also entrusted with some EOS to support project development. Also profoundly influential during the first test was a representative from the Korean EOS Token Holder's Association. The group appears to be heating up. Other news siphoned out of EdenOS and EOS Community Forums:
An induction script and lessons shared by lukestokes
Voice chat on governance proposals on May 29
Some thoughts about issues plaguing the mainnet by benobi
Dan Larimer held an AMA
Please comment if you have ideas on how to improve the Around EdenOS Community(s) section.
Cryptowriter (Finney) Report
Following last week’s mayhem, Cryptowriter continued to churn, albeit at a slightly relaxed pace. Was OG Crackhead Finney at Bitcoin Miami 2021? Good probability considering the overall lul in EOS activity on regular Twitter chats. Or maybe it’s all the buzz around Fincity, Uplift. No worries for those maximalists secretly HODLing EOS. Whether you’re at THE CONFERENCE or at ShitCoin2021, Cryptowriter has you covered for when your brain gets back. Among the highlights this week were EOSIO Block Producers Vol. 2 on Roundtable Live, NFT Artist: Sparrow on Behind the Pixel, winners of round 5 of the NFT engagement, and the much anticipated [confidential] drop of the Red Dragon Complete. Other EOS articles published this week were:
What You Need to Know About Joining EdenOS
Why EOS and other crypto’s could shelter many from the U.S. $6 Trillion Budget Plan
Pomelo for Crowdfunding the EOS Ecosystem
EOS Could Be the Future of Blockchain
Other The Cryptowriter Podcast Network episodes:
To Edge of Obscurity and Back Again... In 45 Minutes or Less
EOSIO Block Producers Vol. 2 (Roundtable Live)
Follow the link in the footer for all the latest articles.

EOSweekly is a roundup of recent news within the ecosystem. Unique needs and services continue to emerge as the advantages of blockchain technology are realized. Easy access to information becomes increasingly important for these expansive networks.
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Another stellar update - thanks Marco
lol i love that Stella is on the start of the birthday video